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Great news, I contacted Patreon and explained my situation with the giveaways, Long story short I proposed a different take; Make a discord server specifically for my Fanbase (which I've been wanting to do for awhile honestly!), assign people the roles they have here in there (2$/5$/10$ etc..) and basically do all the giveaways via said roles IN discord only. They were brief but said that'd be okay. So we're good it seems.. for now anyway!

I'll be opening a discord soon, need to figure out how to make my own and what not, So look forward to that! just wanted to update you all, Will be looking into making the discord very soon, but have all this month to do so, Also check your messages as the giveaway winners have been announced, This will be the last one hosted on patreon.

Thanks for the continued support <3 



Great! I love discord and will be hella active in it for sure!


Love this idea! I have been waiting for you to make one :)


Glad you could work something out!