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Kali won the vote. Time to do a cat mom huehuehue.

Raven was incredibly close behind, though.

Thank you all for participating!



Whoo Cat Mom


This is the greatest easter gift. Lol

Bryce Tabor

Are doing a full color of the one you all ready or doing a new version?


F*ck. Oh well... Still can't wait to see the final product


Color version of the one already made. A full sketch of it is on here, if you can find it.

Mister Eiffel

Will she have a tail butt plug though? o:


Hello, I'm a bit new here, but I'd like to contribute as a Patron. For some reason, I can't message you directly. (Phone is acting up), Luca, could you message me real quick so I can ask a question or two about the Patron thing? I'd like to become one, but There is something stopping me.


Apparently there's a setting for creators, (assuming, here), that disables denominations from being accepted. I got the message a few times while trying to become a Patron. If you could fish around and see, I would be grateful.


No, there isn't a setting like that that I can see or find anywhere on Patreon, even in the help guides. Payments are accepted in denominations, anyway, so I don't know what's going on there. How are you trying to pledge? Credit card, Paypal, etc.?