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I'll be going out of the country tomorrow to see my grandmother, whose time might be approaching soon. This might put a delay on the Patreon things I scheduled for you all this month, but I'll try my best not to let that happen. This is here to let you guys know that if I'm silent for an extended period of time, then... yeah.

If I don't do anything this month, I'll just refund your pledges for this month, but like I said, I'm gonna try to draw. Your guys' support means a lot to me.

EDIT: Thank you all so much for the well wishes. Seriously making me cry here.



Don't sweat it my dude, you do what you need to do and we'll still be here when you get back ❤️


Take all the time you need. Enjoy your family while you can.


Hey man take your time. Family comes first.

Andrey Dravinski

Take all the time you need amigo, family comes first, especially with something like this. Be safe and I hope the trip goes as smooth as it can for something like this.


Dude, a life always comes before us. Don't feel bad if you can't draw anything. Go take care of your grandmother and take as much time as you need.

Mister Eiffel

Don't worry about refunding me. I'm just glad to support you. Take care of yourself and come back to us with a clear mind.


If you don't do anything don't worry about my pledge, life happens. Take as long as you need. I myself have lost a bunch of friends and family in the past few years so I can understand how you must feel knowing that that time is almost here. Again I will restate if you don't do anything this month keep my pledge and just know that you are in my prayers


Hate to reiderate what was already said but keep my pledge go enjoy your family while the chance is there


Man don't even fucking think about anything but being with your grandmother yeah?


Fret not friend, family are precious. Keep my pledge 'swell - after all I and many others mean it as a thank you for the years of great content. You've my sympathies and, if the worst comes to pass, my condolences. <3


Rewards are nice but I pledged because I like your stuff and want you to keep at it. So worry not about the money. Hope all goes well.


Bro, don't sweat about it. Take your time. Keep family company. Your friends will still be here :)


Keep it mate. Family is important.


The people on Patreon are here because we like what you do and want to support you. This means that we also want you to take care of family first and understand that life happens. Take your time don't worry about the pledges and come back when you are ready.


There's no worries whatsoever; we're here to help support you!


Don't worry about my pledge either man, this is far more important than that. Family is one of the most important things out there, so don't be afraid to take time for them. None of us will be offended or troubled by that. Take however long you need.

Frank Mendez

What they said; best of wishes and Godspeed, dude. We'll wait patiently and hope for the best.

Emmanuel Barrales

You can keep my pledge. Take time to be with your family.


Those of us who committed to you don't necessarily expect things at any given time. It's to support the works of someone we appreciate. However as much as one can, they shouldn't let work or hobbies get in the way of family and loved ones. Take this time to be with family, and if you're unsure of her time, or come to the realization that, eerily, anything can happen at any time, be sure to lay everything on the table and let your loved ones know that you sincerely love them. Take steps to keep from regretting not saying something to someone. Trust me, it's worth it.

Sass Queen Neo

Keep my pledge, and take your time man, I know how that stuff feels.