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.... and we're still in quarantine. Stay safe everyone!

Right, so. No plans aside from the Triple Scoop Salem stuff that's nearing its conclusion and polls this month. I've got too many ideas that I wanna make reality but little time to do them. Doesn't help that I'm a slow drawer which I really need to work on. So, I guess less variants and more work. I hope. Also, Xenoblade Chronicles comes out this month and I am hype as heck, so you might see more of that. Yeah.

So yeah, that's it. Very short update this month, but well, not much to say. The April 2020 batch will be sent on the 5th like the previous batches, so make sure to get your pledges in by then.

Thank you all so, so much for your support. I couldn't have done all this without you!



Awesome Work 😃😁🙂😀😄❤👍😺

Emmanuel Barrales

Thanks for sharing your works. Good luck and stay healthy.


I was hoping for a may pic when i read the post title


hhhmm more Salem YES! and your pics are making me want to Xenoblade Chronicles so badm never played them before.