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Welp, it's almost over. The Summer heat is coming to an end... which sucks for me because where I live, Fall doesn't exist. It's replaced by Fire. It sucks. At least it's been like that for the last couple years. i hope it isn't this time, but who am I kidding.

Anyway, things to do. Render Holo, render the last two Neo Summer sketches, finish this thing I'm working on currently and post it up, and August Sketch Vote/Raffle. I hope to squeeze in things in between as well.

There's been some problems with declines payments, so there's that. Patreon released a statement about it, so I hope everything's alright now... The batch will be released at the usual 5th of the month.

And now, an important topic; upfront payment. I wrote about it last month in a previous post. Thanks to everyone's input, I may just start it this month. I just wish i can turn the option on and off, but meh, it is what it is. If anyone has thoughts or reservations about this, please let me know in the comments.

As always, thank you all for your continued support. Please look forward to my artwork this month! This is gonna be a hot August!



Out of curiosity, do you have any non-Neo RWBY pics in the works?


Maybe. I do have an idea. I just hope I have time to do it. There's also this Ruby thing I'm working on. It isn't NSFW or anything, it's just something that's been on my mind that I wanted to draw.

Arya Allium

Summer lasts for three weeks into September...


I feel you on the weather. Arizona is not kind to us for fall either.