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Man April was... okay. I got a lot done, but because of the vacation, I was really strapped for time. I barely got the three color pieces out! Unfortunately, I didn't get the Dark Magician Girl sketch done. I'm currently working on that and as soon as it is done, it'll be included in the April Batch. It'll have a nsfw version.

As for what to do this month... I've got ideas aside from the usual. Maybe I'll finally do some Fire Emblem like I've been saying for a goddamn long time. Draw some Ayra because I fell in love with her in Fire Emblem Heroes...

New Suggest a Sketch this month! This time it'll be a raffle. RWBY characters included this time! $10 patrons suggest the character and I'll plug them into a raffle thing. It'll be fun wooo.

Thank you all for continuing to support me! Please look forward to this month!



Okay, new here so I’m a little confused. With the suggest a sketch, do we suggest a sketch here or do we shoot you a message?


I'll put up a post for the $10 specifically where they can put the characters they want sketched, then I put them in a raffle. Which ever wins, I draw.


Okay, thank you for that Luca. I guess I’ll catch you at that posy.