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With that sudden trip to Canada earlier this month, my entire schedule was just thrown out of whack. I had intended to finish the popsicles this month, but coming back in the middle of the month and a workload from my job waiting for me, it wasn't possible. 

So in this case, I'll finish up Glynda's popsicle sketch then dedicate all of September on fully rendering all three (Raven, Penny, and Glynda). I'll also be fully rendering Yang's ahegao next month and maybe hold a vote to see if I should fully render RWB for October (though I'm pretty sure I know what you guys will choose.) Then there's the random sketches I plan on uploading here... more of that Ice Cream stuff, and I wonder how many of you know about Eternal Sonata...

Anyway, again, my sincerest apologies for the lack of fully rendered content this month. Your support means a lot to me and I'm so sorry for not delivering. Next month, fully rendered content will be coming.

Thank you!


Emmanuel Barrales

I have no problem. Your life and work are important. Stay golden. :)


No problem man, hope you had a great trip. I'd love to see more of your work, but don't worry about time. It's your work, you can finish it when you want to. Anyway, glad to see you're back buddy.


Eternal Sonata is an underrated game, I'm delighted that you know of it!


No problem you have a life outside of us so take care of yourself


All good as long as you're good that's what matters.


All good my friend, Things happen, Stay Cheeki Breeki my friend