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There's gonna be one more dev version(in the next 24h) before stable version(christmas).
I know i said two more weeks but that's how it is in dev. It will take few hours one says to himself and then 3 days pass.
Wanted to finish and take some time off for christmas holidays but brought this thing on myself. Each thing I start changing leads me down the rabbit hole of few days work.

Modding of sprites are done for both males and females.
Outfits will have to wait coz there's whole unlocking mechanism and function a bit differently. I don't want break everything right before stable.
Similar with body parts. Everything else is free to mod.

Apart from modding the biggest gameplay change is changing pornstar level from attribute average scaled to 1-10 to a different rating system.
Still 1-10 but now a lot of things contribute to the pornstar rating.
Attributes still play a role, but beauty for men is almost meaningless. Same with fitness but for women.
Fame, likes, some traits, number of scenes, time in the business, ...
Some convoluted formula to get a number from 1-10.

Almost everything is now based on this new rating which of course completely destroys whatever balance there was.
And when I start playing the game from the start I see 30 other things that need changing... It's never over.

Models Fame have bigger weight in scene popularity, but it's also easier to raise.

Maybe also worth mentioning are photostudio work orders.
Till now you had to have models that fitted the requirements exactly. From now on ANYONE can complete the work orders but you'll get proportionally less money if they don't fit.
If they want lvl3 redhair with big tits and you assign lvl2 blonde with big tits, you wont lose reputation but the cash reward will be small. If you miss everything you'll get some change but also lose rep.
Also once models are assigned they're locked in place for 2 weeks. They passively gain fame even if they aren't completing any work orders.

Most of the changes I log here https://www.pornempire.space/2022/11/v0-83-changelog/


What's the plan for the future?

-Dungeon stuff - location specific sex animation
-Retouching old animations and making some new ones
-Modding of outfits and bodies
-Fem outfits (already drawn, maybe in the upcoming update)
-Changing to the above mentioned pornstar ratings was also fueled by the decision to have Fitness attribute reflect body types.  So low fit = skinny(or fat) , high fitness = big muscles.

A lot of requests for this one, so in short
All models will be local by default, but you'll be able to travel to every country and recruit models there. Pay to bring them back to MC country forever or temporary for some shoots.
Probably also more darker path of taking the passports and have to deal with police & illegals.

-Rival companies AI
Currently is whatever. I've made some slight changes for the upcoming update but in the future updates i'm going to make them smarter and more resilient.
Also some sort of relationship system, so you sabotaging and stealing models will carry consequences.

-Awards / attending Porn conventions
Already in the work actually.
It will be a "good" way to to get market share/fame/reputation and keeping neutral relations with your competition.

All the above will probably be 2 updates. Then we'll hit v0.9 and start talking what next. Either expanding this game even further or slowly start thinking about the next one.

Thanks for the support.



Man, these plans of yours are huge! Just remember to take some rest, don't work yourself too harsh since its Christmas soon.


Sounds great! I can't wait to see all the new gameplay features


Hey man, this game is an amazing framework that sent me on a mission to find more of its kind, id love to see more work and polish but you can always finish it and leave the source code open for the modding community to make updates and move to a larger or different project that your more passionate about but honestly you've done incredible work man and I'm glad I found it. You've definitely made a forever fan and ill always be in the discord lurking so keep up the good work and eat and sleep plenty!

Joe Kranston

Great update! Looking forward to changes. Minor qol request: make Production PA priority for website publishing default to 10 or 100... so if you want to prioritize a website, you don't have to adjust every single other site upwards. Other than that, have liked and appreciated each iteration. Merry Christmas!

France Troll

Maybe Bimbo and Shemale Content ?