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Hi all.

Last dev release in the next 24h, then stable a week later.
Testing like a madman right now. Game needs to be as bugfree as possible.

You have incomplete changelog on http://www.pornempire.space/2022/09/v0-82-changelog/

What about patreon?

So they finally made subscriptions how they're supposed to be.
From the date you subscribe to the same date next month. This is now enabled.
No idea if this works for all of you who subscribed this month, can't find this info. I would assume not?

For any questions, wishes, suggestions, critiques and so on
join the discord https://discord.gg/DbumGDM .
Also you can always send me a PM or drop a comment on a random post.

Thanks for the support.


That's Pretty Mint

Omg finally, the subscriptions work like they always should have. This is hype


A bit late to ask now, but did we ever figure out why dev3 didn't work on pc for some people? I'm trying to have a fix ready in case something similar happens with this release.


i cannot find the cause. tried looking on the engine bug reports but nothing seems to be connected to this. i've updated the engine again, so we'll see. i'm almost sure it's some graphical drivers issue