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Hi all.

Expanding our squad of cosplayers. There's 1 more but I'm gonna leave it as a surprise.

Let's get the important stuff down first. One final dev version next week, then stable version very soon after.

Achievements are now in the game. Few standard "fuck x girls" or some short term goals.  Since the tutorial is pretty shitty, there are also some that serve as a memo for new players of what's actually in the game.
Also few hidden, harder to figure out and get. But also more fun.

Rival company mechanics will be in but with limited functionality. It's too much to handle.
What you will be able to do?
-Convince their models to work for you .
-Flood the market with (high quality) videos to push them out their niche and eventually bankrupt them.
-Buy smaller websites to increase you market share in certain category and hurt them that way.
There are also random events for rivals so they don't feel dead.

That's it for now. Thanks for the support.




You can't recruit the cosplayers?


With this update you can recruit cosplayers in your actors team? For me now i only can fuck them, and then no other options.


Did you made website earnings higher to rebalance the game a little bit since 795a? Without it, i fear, the rival companies don't bring any gameplay benefit, because movies with high production value or movies expect boy-girl/ girl-girl will never pay for themselves if uploaded on your website. There are to little subscribers which will pay to little. The only affordable way is to sell them on the free market.


i've bumped the earnings yea. maybe not high enough. i havent even come around to balancing. more general categories will always have higher subscriber base than really niche sites. i should probably put a hard limit of scenes per month for these sites, coz like you said, posting 10 vids per month isnt really viable. they're more viable at the beginning coz you gain subscribers really fast opposed to boy-girl for example, which takes forever.


Thank you for your answer. You should make definitly a hard limit on scenes on websites dedicated to a certain models.


i've done it so the bigger is the niche score, the lower is the limit. so boy-girl will be around 10 scenes per month. for example teen+preggo the maximum will probably be 3. i think that should solve most of the problems. at least in theory. havent test it yet.


when will the update go up?


I like the new modding options. I know theres been some localization for names, most characters from your nationality etc, but really need to be able to change the default currency from $ though. Even if its just major currencies like £, ¥, €


I couldn't get mods to work. Im not computer savy tho.


i'll look into it. would be a lot to change tho, coz i initially didnt plan on using any "real" currencies, but then just sorta settle for dollars.


where did you get stuck with modding it's pretty straight forward. at least character creation is an you can use template conversation for testing stuff out.


stable version??