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The poll for this month's content returned a tie between KNIGHTS and BIKERS, so I'm going to flip a coin when I sit down to draw on Monday and you get what you get. ( b ._.)b 

One of these will get the exclusive, which will be full colour and only available to you guys until next year, and that'll materialise sometime between the 10th and 15th of the month. The other will be the lineart only piece, which will be posted everywhere the following week! 

Only about half of you vote regularly, so if you're a little frustrated by this result and haven't been in the habit of voting thus far, your single vote could have been the tie breaker this month! And it could actually be the tie breaker next month, so I would heartily encourage you to press a button while you're scrolling past the monthly poll to see your rewards in a couple of weeks' time. ;) 

Thanks again for your continued support, and I'll see you soon with your KNIGHTS/BIKERS.  Take care! 💜


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