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YOU GOT A WHOLE COMIC. This took so fucking long. Why did I do that. 

Anyway! Bio-robots like Manny, Slayer, Coinpurse and Jet deal in chemical data, which can store enormous volumes of information in an incredibly small amount of space! However, transferring it between robots can be tricky, and the best way to do it is, well. As you see, wherein the chemical data is loaded into a fluid solution and, uh. Yeah, that's how it works! They enjoy their jobs a lot. πŸ’œ

Thanks so much for your patience this month! I hope this was worth the wait. Rest assured that you will never get anything as extensive as this ever again. ( b ._.)b 




Man this is so hot Great job with the comic, totally worth the wait


Really love this comic strip! Not only the ... "unconventional" way of transferring data, but also the really amazing size diff up to the poin that the big one even needs help guiding it in πŸ‘€


This looks great! Waiting longer is no problem for such detailed, muscled, and big ...... lore. I really like the additional limbs on your characters.