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Alright, so I need to tell you guys, I have been incredibly overambitious with your full colour exclusive this month, I suppose because I haven't drawn my stupid squishy robots in what I think might be over a year at this point and I have evidently missed them, and as a result, it is likely to be a few days late! I am going to endeavour to get it finished on time, which is to say, by the 10th, but the chance that I will actually manage that given the scale of the sketch that I've just finished tonight, leaving me four days to get the lineart and the colours done, is somewhere between slim and none! We should certainly be able to get it finished by the 15th, though. 

Just keeping you guys in the loop! Thanks for being so patient and I'll get your exotic robot penises finished and posted ASAP. You'll understand when you see it. ( b ._.)b 


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