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Hey guys! It's the 1st of the month, and since this is the day when I reach into your pockets and filch the pennies out of them, I decided it'd probably be pretty cool if I made a little post today just so you aren't left hanging until I post the exclusive some time around the 10th. This is your official "I'm Not Dead, The Content Is Coming" update. ( b ._.)b 

This month, the exclusive will be BIKERS again! They took first place by a hefty landslide, with KNIGHTS and MONSTERS tying for second place. I haven't decided yet which of those you're getting for the mid-month lineart piece, so I'll probably just flip a coin on the day when I'm starting it and you get what you get. 

Thanks so much for your continued support, and I'll see you in a little over a week. 💜


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