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YOU ALL ASKED FOR MONSTERS AND NOTHING ELSE. SO YOU'RE GETTING MONSTERS TWICE THIS MONTH. And, since Doom Eternal just came out, here's a Hell Knight getting amorous with a friend. <3 

Rather than fucking around with brushes this month, I decided the best thing I could try to do for my shading is do the same thing with my shadows as I do with garlic - add as much as I think looks right, and then slap about an extra 60% more than that down on top. I think it's gone some way to making the shading a bit more bold, but you'll have to tell me how well you think I've done with it. 

Also I painted a background for once, but we're not going to talk about that. 

See you mid-month for MORE MONSTERS! ( b ._.)b 



Caden Hein

Who cares about backgrounds when there's monsters getting dicked down? 👌👌👌