New Patreon Reward Levels (Patreon)
2021-12-12 02:29:17
2021-12-12 02:29:43
As stated, I wanted to go through and revise the reward system to make sure everyone understands what the new rewards will be like. These will take effect in January. Let’s go through them.
$2 Tier
-Continued access to monthly PDFs and streams, no change
$5 Tier
-Everything above
-Monthly vote on patreon content focus
-Access to plot Codex
$10 Tier
-Everything above
-Access to character/world Codex
-Access to once a month variety streams (personal story or world expansion story, voted on by this tier and up)
-Author Q&A
$20 Tier
-Everything above
-1 Wheel of Fetish brainstorm/month
-2/month Saturday Events (to be decided)
-Double vote
$40 Tier
-Everything above
-1 free story per month (4 pages)