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A few months ago, a Patron left this idea in a suggestion box and I liked the concept. I hope you all enjoy my rendition of it! I may have flipflopped some details, purely unintentionally, but thats how improv goes I just rolled with it haha. 

Synopsis: We are teachers at the same school. From the moment I saw you I was hooked. I needed to talk to you, to get to know you, and if the stars aligned, get a taste of you. One day, I waited for you to leave your classroom so I could approach you and say hi. Just before I built up the nerve, a student bumps into you, knocking all your stuff out of your hands. 

We bonk heads on the way down to get it, but I grab it all for you before turning into an awkward mess. I excuse myself to go back to my classroom since I apparently forgot my keys in my anxiety ridden rush out the door to introduce myself. I'm surprised to hear you come in shortly after and want to get to know me just as bad as i want you... 




I love the balance of adorable goofball to “I’m going to make a mess out of you in the best way” back to adorable goofball 💜💜 🥵🥵

Deanna Tyson

Aww this was absolutely adorable. The nervousness of the character. Too sweet. Great job.