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Hey all!! I just want to first say thank you for the love so far this month! From your comments, ideas, to all the new members joining us everyday, thank you so much!!!

I wanted to hop on here and let you know that I will be gone all of next week on vacation!! Finally going to not work and relax! Phew!

With that being said, there won't be a movie night this coming Monday. The last narrative will also be pushed back a week. If I can get to the exclusive this weekend I will but if not there are 5 Sundays this month so you will still get your 4 exclusives, they just may be delayed!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. It is an honor to have this platform and to be able to create these worlds for you to listen to. I've explored so much of myself and helped countless others do the same. My passion is love and positivity. Be good to eachother but also be good to yourself. You deserve it. Have a great week and I will see you when I get back!!




Enjoy your holidays 😊


Have a great vacation! You deserve it! 🥰