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Congrats to Jassy for delivering the most liked Suggestion Box idea this month!! Here is her synopsis:

This Thanksgiving, you're in your girlfriend's hometown to meet her family and spend the holiday with them.

Everything is going great...until her ex shows up unannounced toward the end of the night. The touchy way he hugs her hello, the way he moves about the place like he owns it, the way he shoots glances at you. It triggers you big time.

Out of respect for her parents, you keep your cool. Then let off steam later on the drive back to your hotel. Your gf apologizes for her ex's behavior. She reassures you that she is glad things are long over with him and that you are the one for her. 

But words aren't what you need to feel better right now. You need her body...in the most primal way. As soon as you get into your hotel room, you pin her against the wall, kiss her deeply, and growl that she is yours. Her eyes tell you that she knows what's coming, and she needs it too.

You have passionate, a little rough, possessive sex where you say things like "You look so pretty with your mouth full of MY cock."  "This pussy (etc.) belongs to me."  "I'm claiming what is mine."  "That's it. Cry out. Scream my name. Let everyone hear who you belong to."

The night ends with loving aftercare for the both of you.

I truly hope you all enjoy my interpretation of her idea!! I'd also like to add that this is probably the roughest/loudest/most primal fucking i may have ever done so. if thats your jam then oof. Do enjoy haha. Thanks again! 

There were so many good ideas this month! If your idea wasn't chosen, please feel free to submit it again next month!! 



Elviret Darkshade

You had me at primal ^^ Jammin'! Edit: It doesn't seem to like me doing a text heart. I see you Jassy, I see you bb ;) Primal is so good


Did we need this or what bb?! And who but Nowhere to deliver the perfection ;)

Aliza Bee

This was so intense and rough and freaking love it. I never knew I needed such a primal Nowhere🧡🧡 And the after care, muah!! Definitely giving lots of love, hugs and kisses!! 💜💜 I love this suggestion a lot! Thank you!💜


Listening to this for like the millionth trillionth time. Every time I need to feel needed in this way I come here.... You are always so amazing at the carnal desperation, the expression of need down to a cellular level to claim and possess someone. It's just honestly the most enjoyable thing to experience. Thank you my sweet pet for always just delivering what is needed. 🖤🤟🏻🖤