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*Edit* Just a couple days left!! Get your ideas in, like your favorites! A winner will be picked this Sunday and the audio will be recorded and posted!

Hello my pretty pumpkins! The time has come for you to drop your spicy ideas!! For those that are new: this is where you post an idea and/or you go through the other ideas and vote for your fav. You vote by liking the comment. The idea with the most likes will get turned into this months second Exclusive audio!! You can post as many ideas as you want and vote for as many as you want! What do YOU wanna hear me do???



A few months ago in “The Remedy” you say when your girl comes home from a stressful day she either wants to relax and have a mellow fuck or have the day railed out of her. It’s time to hear the latter.


This Thanksgiving, you're in your girlfriend's hometown to meet her family and spend the holiday with them. Everything is going great...until her ex shows up unannounced toward the end of the night. The touchy way he hugs her hello, the way he moves about the place like he owns it, the way he shoots glances at you. It triggers you big time. Out of respect for her parents, you keep your cool. Then let off steam later on the drive back to your hotel. Your gf apologizes for her ex's behavior. She reassures you that she is glad things are long over with him and that you are the one for her. But words aren't what you need to feel better right now. You need her body...in the most primal way. As soon as you get into your hotel room, you pin her against the wall, kiss her deeply, and growl that she is yours. Her eyes tell you that she knows what's coming, and she needs it too. You have passionate, a little rough, possessive sex where you say things like "You look so pretty with your mouth full of MY cock." "This pussy (etc.) belongs to me." "I'm claiming what is mine." "That's it. Cry out. Scream my name. Let everyone hear who you belong to." The night ends with loving aftercare for the both of you.


How about an audio where a listener is being a brat, teasing you and pushing your bottoms for hours, desperatly trying to get a reaction out of you. You're trying to ignore their teasing, not wanting to give the listener a reaction they desperatly want, until you can't take it anymore and finally snap. You grab the listener by their throat and say something like: "Is this what you wanted the whole time? Alright then. You're gonna get what you deserve." You drag the listener by their hand into the bedroom and throw them on a bed. The listener is resisting (listener wants it, but resisting makes it more fun) but is obviously overpovered by you. The scene could consist of some forced blowjob, rought sex, spanking, slaping and degration and aftercare. I'd love to hear this type of audio, cause there is not that many audios of this type out there.


We shouldn’t - we’re co-workers who are both soundly situated with other people. But there’s been this building tension and need between us for such a long time. We’ve come close to giving in to the unspoken need for one another, but have somehow managed to hold it together. Until now. Something finally happens that makes us both snap - we’ve been assigned together on a far away work trip, just the two of us. When we finally give in after so long of denying ourselves, passion and primal need take over. Ripping clothes off, pulling hair, biting one another chaotically bc we need the taste of each other in our mouths. And we finally come together like it’s what we were meant to be doing all along.

Mz Anne Thrope

You are a sentient pumpkin who suddenly becomes human during the full moon because of a curse given out by an evil crow. The only way for you to become fully human is for your "key" to find the right "lock". You wonder if it's possibly one of the orifices of the listener who happens to have bought you on sale at the grocery store. If not, you just might become permanent crow food.


A reverse harem/polyamory idea (MFM). You and your girlfriend's other partner have both noticed she's been off for the last week. She's not given either of you any real details, but you know it has something to do with some of her friends. You're talking with him to see if he knows anything you don't when you both realize she's facetiming or talking on the phone in the other room about what's going on. As you listen, you realize just how betrayed she's been feeling, how hurt she's been, and how alone she's felt the last week. One partner starts getting angry at the friends who hurt your girlfriend when he hears her start crying. The other partner reminds the first that this won't help her and tries to get him to see reason (I'll let you choose which reaction is yours... or both can be if you wanna dabble in the dual voices thing again). When your girlfriend gets off the phone, she stumbles upon both of you and correctly guesses you overheard the conversation. She's quickly embarrassed since she's been crying. When you and the other partner realize she didn't tell you what was going on because she didn't want to bother you with "unnecessary drama", maybe even scared you'd dismiss her, you both reassure her she's not overreacting. You comfort her, letting her know her feelings are valid and no matter what, she can come to either or both of you and that you will always be on her side. The comforting from both of you escalates and sexy time ensues, filled with lots of praise, "good girls", and eventually some lovely after care.


Ok, this is plain, simple, and probably predictable… You are trying your best to complete NNN and have days to go. However, listener is lacking your attention, so they are hell bent on making you fail. You fight to hold back with the use their hands and mouth, which only intensifies their will to break you. Listener eagerly climbs on top of you to ride you to climax. Can you hold on?!?

Steph T.

Yes ma'am! I wish I could vote for this more times! I need more of dual voice Nowhere in my life! 👏👏👏

Steph T.

This is giving me original Ghostbusters vibes and I love it! Nowhere as the Key Master!

Elaine Rush

You come home just as your girl is getting out of the shower. Instead of getting dressed, you have her lie on the bed and you show her how much you love her body and all of it's 'imperfections'. Start slowly and gently and then the need for each other takes over and you get harder and faster. All the while reassuring her that she is perfect and sexy and that you could not want her more.

Miranda Taylor

I've been slightly obsessed with the "Dad's best friend" or "Boyfriends Dad" tropes recently. Would love to hear some of that! :D


Have you heard "Rehearsal Buddy"? You might really like it 😉