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I had a real hard day yesterday and I'm feeling pretty broken. You're the only one that can piece me back together. 🥺🥺🥺



Gergely Krisztina

I loved it!!! You were huggable and lovable, there is no one who is not touched by so many emotions! The improvisation in this audio is truly experiential, as you mentioned the storm! Your laugh was sweet at the end! Masterpiece! Thanks! 😊😊😍


Oh your laugh made me laugh and I'm so happy it was happy in the end. I honestly hope you're doing well, and my door is always open if you wanna talk about your day. :3


Nowhere...I wanted to hug you and not let go. It was very cute, I loved it. And your laugh at the end was healing for me, I needed to laugh a little. Thank you. Excellent work. And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm just a text away. 💋💋💋🧡🧡🧡


What a great job you did. Putting us on the emotional roller coaster that is doubt and fear. I love the ending, and I actually will stay up and listen to a thunderstorm. ⛈️⛈️ If you have any doubts about what you are accomplishing, please know that you are doing a fantastic job everyday. Not all days will be great but we need them to appreciate all of it, positive and negative. Keep doing what you do best, and know that we are here for you. ❤️❤️❤️😊


It’s ok to feel this way… We can’t be 💯 all of the time. Let your emotions out and I’ll be here to catch you. This was truly improvised! Thank you to the thunderstorm for the assist! It reminded me of the time when I played during a thunderstorm and the whole room lit up with a huge lightning bolt⚡️as I came.


It's times like these when having a supportive partner is everything. We all need someone who isn't afraid to swim alongside us when the waters get dark and deep. And slow, loving, healing sex really helps too 👀. When moments of doubt creep in, it's important to remind ourselves of our strengths and why we began our journey in the first place. I adore your emotional audios. And I'm sending you the biggest warmest hug, just in case any of these feelings are sometimes real. You can keep it in a drawer somewhere for when you need it lol. And thanks for making [So Many Giggles] my new favorite tag.

Steph T.

This gave me all the feels because I have been there too many times to count. When you need the intimacy and love and tenderness. This one is going in the spank bank because your moans are always *chef's kiss* but it's also going in my emotional recovery list too. Sometimes it helps me not feel so alone when I can hear others going through the same thing and coming out on the other side when I do get low. Thank you so much for this audio. And thank you for everything you do and for all that you give of yourself for your fans.


This was so touching. Sometimes knowing you aren't the only one in this world going through the 'my mind just feels so fucked up' has me emotional. If you currently (or ever) feel like your creative projects are a waste, just remember that you have helped so many people! I can always send the longgg list of how you have helped me. And all those people I know are there to support you always. Lastly, the slow sexy scenes are as equally as hot (and healing) as your other scenarios. YOU. ARE. AMAZING.💙


“Stop trying to calm the storm; calm yourself, the storm will pass.” 🌈 Never has that been more poetically fitting. You have such a magical ability to bring your listener into the space you’re in and to let us share emotions with you. I had such a dopey grin listening to your infectious giggles. Thank you for the gift of your vulnerability, makes me wish I was there to nestle you into my curves and give head scratches and rubs while the storm carries on. So soothing, babe 💕😘


You have proved, once again, what a master of your craft you are. My heart broke to know you even saw yourself as someone unworthy. You have been so much to so many, and it’s audios, like this, that more than solidify your amazing talents. And I will never not love when you get the giggles. Thank you pumpkin, you’re amazing! 🖤🖤💋

Mz Anne Thrope

This was awesome! But granted, so are you and you deserve all the hugs!


Ouch!!🥺 It hurts to hear you so hurt and full of self-doubt. I know everyone has good times and bad...but Handsome, you only deserve the best of times.💋💕 Your ability to show any kind of emotion is outstanding and this time I want to hug you, gently pat your back and tell you everything will be fine...or make you forget everything around you, at least for them next time.😏


This was so lovely. To be able to express such vulnerability to someone is such a precious gift. It’s okay to not be okay all the time. We are creatures that need to be nurtured and loved and when you have someone who cares about you that much to see you through it well it makes it all worth it. Simply perfect 😘👌


Aww, this was so cute. I love seeing this softer side to you.

Lucianna Draven

The way my caring side kicked in was something different... I wanted to hug you so bad 🥺🥺damn.. I really miss being a girlfriend... 🥺🥺Anyway.. This one audio is deffinetly my favorite one 💜