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Well, because I'm a degenerate, I completely forgot to post this. So you got 1 week to drop your ideas below on what you'd like to hear for next weekends exclusive audio!! Make sure to go through and like your favorite ideas and the one with the most likes will get made into an audio!! Gimme ur series ideas 😈🥵



This is me once again throwing my idea into the ring. Lead singer of your favorite band sees you in the crowd at a concert and the entire time he’s singing it feels like he’s singing directly to you. After the last song someone from the crew comes up to you and asks if you want to come backstage to “meet the band”. You get railed backstage and it’s the most delightful fantastic night of your life. It would be super cool if you added clips from your actual songs too ❤️❤️

Steph T.

You absolutely have my vote! Imagine getting railed while Good Girl is streaming in the background 🥵🥵💦💦💦


Yessss exactly that’s what I’m saying!! Ughh he would do suuuch a good job with it too 🥵🥵


You and your gf have both been really busy lately, so the plan for date night is dinner and a movie at home. You cook, laugh, and have a playful time together in the kitchen. But she's wearing that cozy dress that fits her just right, she's reaching up and bending down to grab things from cabinets, she's licking and sucking on tasting spoons. It's almost too distracting. When you ask her to sample the sauce you made, a bit of it lands on the top of her breast. And it's all over from there. The next thing you know, you rip open the top buttons of her dress, your mouth and hands are all over her body, and she's bent over the counter. Tonight it's dessert before dinner!!


Listener is reading a spicy romance novel in bed or on the couch. Either it’s well written, one of her favorites she loves to reread, or a new one that seems to have poorly written 🌶️ scenes. You tell her to find the next love scene and start reading it out loud to you. You then decide to act out the scene on her - either an exact copy from her favorite book or improving the poorly written one. After a few minutes, the book is tossed to the side and forgotten about.


Friends to lovers idea coming in hot! You, the listener, and a bunch of your friends have all decided to go to the listeners old cabin/treehouse since the summer is finally getting closer. The first night there, you all have a big party or in the woods together. There's drinks, games, laughs. Eventually, to tabs a break from the excitement, you and the listener go outside on the deck. She tells you about all the different spots she used to go to out there as a kid and she even mentions secret rooms having been built into the tree house. Interested, you ask to see one and she takes you to a little hidden den away from the party. The window has an amazing view of the moon and stars. She tells you that she always loved coming here at night because it felt magical. Being so close and listening to her share her little stories and secrets start to make you want to share your own secrets you've been keeping from her. I'll let you fill in the rest, but boy is it going to be an interesting week trying to keep it together at the cabin with all your obliviois friends around afterwards~


This is probably saying something about my current situation (ahem) but I totally want an apology audio. You mess up—big or small—and you gotta make it up to the listener. I feel like so many of these turn into misunderstandings or the listener is being a brat or something. Sometimes a dude (or dudette or theydette) just messes up. What better way to ask for forgiveness than in the bedroom?


What about the listener being a monster this time? Like a succubus or something? Oh a man who has sex with girls who don't know what their doing or can't "it", man decides to summon someone who can handle that wild horse. Y'all getting what I'm putting down?


It’s giving my teenage fantasies from peak wattpad era and I am LIVING


Glad you gave this another shot, Evy. It was always a fantastic idea. And with the music released, the timing is perfect. Love it!


I like this idea! Nowhere did "The Conjuring" where things didn't turn out well for him in the end. It would be awesome to hear him summon something and have an amazing time from start to finish.


Lol yeah that's where the idea came from! I liked it a lot but it was a bit extra darker than I thought (I'm new to his content 😅lol) but I just want to keep him as a little play thing~ 😈 or another idea where he over powers the demon/monster and keeps us as a pet 🤔


Yes, Lea!!!👏🏼 I love your thinking here.