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I hope you enjoyed this months narratives!! Thank you all for being here! Let me know what you thought in the comments!


Steph T.

Oh my goodness! That was an amazing conclusion to the series! And that sex, good gods! 🥵🥵🥵 This ending was like Inception and the spinning top, which is so cool! Is she real? Will he get his happily ever after? As far as I'm concerned the narrator deserves it and I hope he gets it!

Deanna Tyson

Wait no….and then what happens next? Goodness I’m on the edge of my seat! This is so exciting. Awesome and cute. I love this one. 🔥🔥


No…No, no, no, no…you fucking…😫…I should hate u for ending it like this! 😂 Needless to say I need a next chapter. Nah, better leave it to my imagination. This narrative has been one of my favorites. You made this holiday classic yours. The feelings that you transmit with your voice, how you take care of every word and every detail. You are genuine in your work and that is worth a lot. You really have a great talent. Thanks for sharing it with us. I wish you a Merry Christmas. 💋❤️🎄


You bastard!


A cliffhanger! 😩 💚❤️ What a great set of narratives! You made the classic your own. I’d like to think if she’s not behind that door then a few days later a lady with the same name and face will cross your path again (with no memory of meeting you) She is the ghost of Christmas Future after all

Ana D.

Wait!!! What??? What??? No, no, no....you can't leave me like this, you can't tease me like this and leave me hanging on this emotional cliff. 😫You naughty delicious man 🥵🥵🥵


THEN WHAT?!??????!!!!! I’m loving this narrative.


Uhm, I think you forgot the 2nd half of this audio!! What a cute ending for this series!! 😂😍🥰


I felt it necessary to come back to say that "getting drunk on your juices" is a sentiment that deserves recognition 🙌


Oh no! My heart! Good thing I’m imaginative. I have the perfect epilogue.


Sir, how dare you Sir? SIR!


Oh what a naughty man you are for leaving us hanging like this. I’m thinking you may need to be punished for this one. 😈😈😈😈