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It was just another bah humbug day until... well... listen and i will explain. 



Que romantico!!! 🥰😍


Oh my…beautiful and hot. I loved every part. Can’t wait to see what happens next. You're the best. 🥰🧡

Steph T.

Oh that was so amazingly hot and so fucking sweet! I love your narratives so damn much! I just want to live in that world and have my happily ever after *big sigh*


That office is going to need a door. A thick one. And this character's co-workers are going to be seeing even less of him. "Like anything I do, I do it well and methodically." My Virgo brain considers this to be dirty talk in any context! I hope to see this character's heart continue to thaw ❤️

Deanna Tyson

A kind coworker and hot office sex…yep definitely need to know what happens next. Super sweet. I loved this one. 💜💜

Allison Maddison

This is absolutely AMAZING!! You are so truly gifted in SO many ways!!!! This is incredible. It made me feel ALL the feels!! Beautiful done as always Daddy!! 🎃🧡


“And then the janitor came around the corner….” No, I kid lol. This was so sweet and hot! I can’t wait for the Christmas Future


Handsome, that was insanely hot!🥵 Once again you have proved me right, you are an excellent storyteller 👏🏻 Your narratives are always special and I can't wait to see where you take us in the next episode. It's going to be incredible, that's for sure!! 🧡🖤


Yes! This was everything! I can't wait for part 3!😍


This was so perfect after a rough morning for me!! I am so excited for you to finish this amazing series! 😍🙏🎄

Safiyah Hasan

Not the Pearl clutching 😂. Great story telling it was great 😍