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Hello my pretty pumpkins!! I got the movie Nights scheduled from now until Halloween! Everyone with discord access is invited to join! Movies will be held in The Horror Show channel every Monday night at 815pm EST! Here is the list of movies!

The Empty Man
The Cure for Wellness
Hokus Pokus 1
Hokus Pokus 2
Nightmare Befire Christmas
Trick 'r Treat
And Halloween!!

So much good stuff!

For new content I apologize on the delay of the weekly narrative. This month I have the extremely talented author Nichole Greene writing for me! I have the first narrative and it was SPICY!! I can't wait to read it to you!

Also make sure u to to the suggestion box and post your ideas! Also make sure you 🧡all your favorite suggestions because I will be picking ine and recording it on sunday!! Lots of fun stuff to look forward to 😈 thank you all again for your love!!



Super exciting! Can't wait to join :)

Steph T.

Hell yeah! I have missed movie nights, I had the best time hanging out with the gang on Monday night! And I cannot wait to hear that narrative. I'm sure I'm going to need to be laid in bed and not have anything planned for the rest of the night 🥵🥵😈


Same!! Make sure you verify via the ripple bott when u join the server so u can get access to all the channels!

MatchaTeaCup (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-04 07:47:42 Awe I work 10pm mondays. I wish I could watch them. Maybe on my next schedule change.
2023-02-04 07:47:42 Awe I work 10pm mondays. I wish I could watch them. Maybe on my next schedule change.
2022-09-10 01:43:02 Awe I work 10pm mondays. I wish I could watch them. Maybe on my next schedule change.

Awe I work 10pm mondays. I wish I could watch them. Maybe on my next schedule change.