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Hello my pretty pumpkins!! Here is June's upcoming event schedule!! Hope to see you there!!

6/3 - MOVIE NIGHT - The Frighteners- 830pm EST
[Baby Pumpkin][Oh My Gourd][Pumpkin Cream Pie][Pumpkin Queen]

6/13 - MOVIE NIGHT - Silent Hill - 815pm EST
[Baby Pumpkin][Oh My Gourd][Pumpkin Cream Pie][Pumpkin Queen]

6/14 - 1ST RAMBLEFAP - 830pm EST
[Pumpkin Cream Pie][Pumpkin Queen]

6/20 - MOVIE NIGHT - REC - 815pm EST
[Baby Pumpkin][Oh My Gourd][Pumpkin Cream Pie][Pumpkin Queen]

6/21 - LISTENING PARTY for 2nd Patreon Exclusive Audio - 830pm EST
[Baby Pumpkin][Oh My Gourd][Pumpkin Cream Pie][Pumpkin Queen]

[Baby Pumpkin][Oh My Gourd][Pumpkin Cream Pie][Pumpkin Queen]

6/28 - 2ND RAMBLEFAP - 830pm EST
[Pumpkin Cream Pie][Pumpkin Queen]

Make sure to sync discord with your tier and verify via the Chastity bot when you arrive to gain access to the events and all the channels!! 🎃


Nicole Shaw

Cool my first ramblefap ten days before my birthday 🥳


Hi! I have no idea if this is a place to ask this so I apologize in advance but, is there an OG Pumpkin that can help w/the Discord thing. Verified my age (I think) but it’s asking me to join a server. Help please!

Steph T.

I know it's too late for the ramblefap but I can try to help you if you still need help.


You’re awesome and yes I do. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never used discord before.


You gotta create a discord account. Then you can go on patreon into your tier and there will be a sync discord option. Once u do thst you'll be brought to my server. Once there you have to go into obey my command and read the rules. Click the pumpkin react at the bottom to show you acknowledge them then go into the verify channel. Type in .verify and the Chastity bot will tell you you're not and to click a link. You'll be brought to their server where you will verify your age by submitting a pic of your i.d. (with everything but your date of birth blacked out for privacy) and I think a pic of your face with a piece of paper that has the day you do it's date on it to verify the person in the license is you. Once you're verified you'll go back to my verify channel and type verify again. The bot will recognize gou and you'll be given the role thst matches your tier. Then you'll be able to see and go into which ever channels you have access to! Hope this helps


Thanks! That worked! Seems I can’t do it from my phone. Yeah, I’m that person that lives on their phone.😋 Thank you!!💜