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The last stop on this months narratives!! I hope you enjoyed them! One thing I did forget to mention, funny enough, were positions to have said oral in. and the answer is all of them ;) hehe



Elviret Darkshade

Good thing I'm an art student and know how to really appreciate various forms of art ;)


So good. Honestly I can’t even explain how hot this was. Anytime after care is discussed is a good time.

Ana D.

Ok.OK...So, you, Sir, want to kill me, right? Want me to drop dead right here. OMFG!!! I just feel I went down a volcano 🥵🥵🥵 This was beyond hot. Perfect, absolute perfection. And thank you for not forgetting the aftercare...you're the sweetest 🥵

Steph T.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck...*checks flights to wherever the fuck Nowhere is* I don't need the plane to land, I'm just going to pack a parachute and jump out and land on your face, ok? Ok. I damn near came listening to your description. What a fucking way with words. 🥴🥵💦


Furiously taking notes…For both sides so I can point to them when they ask at the hospital why I passed out. Nice touch finishing with the best “position”… aftercare.


This is amazing 🥵🥵🥵🥵


First of all, you made me feel incredibly confident in my own oral skills 🤣 but then also, gahhhh damn 🥵🥵🥵💦💦💦


As someone who is self conscious of my lady bits, this made me feel good <3


Honestly I’ve taken these audios as educational audios 😂


So hot hearing your pov 🥵 this whole month’s narratives were out of this world 💦💦💦


Hey Handsome you're pretty damn good with words!❤️ 🥴🥵 If oral sex wasn't already one of my favorite practices, it definitely would be now. 🥵💦 But then to be spoiled with your aftercare...you're the sweetest!!❤️❤️

Isa Finn

Sir… if these are training videos for your harem, where can I sign up?


Love this! Very helpful!😉