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Hello my pretty pumpkins!! Drop your suggestions on what you'd like to hear this month for the first patreon exclusive. Suggestions/voting will last about a week before i make a decision and record the first audio so make sure you get your ideas in soon! I will either pick the one with the most likes or the one with the most likes that im comfortable with doing. Other suggestions made might show up in future audios on here or on reddit. Gimme whatcha got! 



You walk in on the listener as their trying on new lingerie (as a surprise) they recently got


You are in a rush to not miss the train; however, you don't make it on time. You notice a pretty woman that has also missed the train. Instead of becoming one of those sad "missed connections" posts on the internet, you decide to shoot your shot. Turns out the pretty stranger is the quiet girl you knew back in high school. Also, it suddenly turns out you need to find somewhere to see how loud she can really be.


Other was it’s the listener’s birthday and... - you orchestrated a surprise party - they want to ditch their party with you - you had something extra special planned - daddy’s choice of a story line as long as it’s the listens bday

Ooga Booga Bunga

How about a super villian trying to "convince" the heros side kick to join his side after he captures her! Just picture it, youve finally captured her, after watching her futile attempts to do her job, as the hero takes all the credit and leaves her in the sidelines. Nothing a little convininh and praising would do to sway their mind onto your side (Ill elaborate more when i get home if ya want, but im sure there are other better ideas anyway~ X3)


Aggressive Argument turns into makeup sex


Breath play. Breath play. Breath play. I know you’ve already done one for Quinn but… longer one please 🥺



Anton’s Becca

You and your partner are in a long haul relationship. Living together. Domestic. You work more than they would like you too and you work more than you like to. So after coming home from a long day of work your normally soft and cuddly girl is the opposite. Full on brat mode. That turns into Primal Play. Your suit stays on. Chasing her through your very own house. And wherever you get your hands on her pretty little throat is where you fuck the change in attitude right out of her: growls neck biting and deep kissing included. “You’re usually my good girl. And you still are. But at this moment you’re being a little brat. Guess I’ll have to fuck that out of you before we can sit down and have some dinner huh?” 😋😋


Valentine’s Day weekend getaway in a cabin in the woods. A blizzard hits and you’ve run out of dry firewood. Gotta stay warm somehow!


Zombie Apocalypse. You and listener get separated from your group, running away from a horde. Once safely barricaded, one notices the other has freshly torn, stained clothing. Thinking it’s a zombie bite, they tell the other to remove their clothes to check for bites. Adrenaline running, things go from there.

Nicole Shaw

The guy gets some whip cream and put it all over the listerner


Shibari. Exploring a partner with anorgasmia.

Gergely Krisztina

The situation is: You are a famous singer.You have an "unplugged" concert with one guitar. While you are singing on the stage you notice a nice smiling girl in the first row.You make eye contact with her... After the concert you invate her to your private dressing room. And there is a couch...😉😋🤪


Mmmm who about an at school one? Everyone is seniors and you are the goth bad boy of the school grounds while she is the cute quiet art girl. One particular morning you find her heading to the fountains for water as your skipping class for a smoke and things get steamy when she’s taken to the back of the school~ involving smoke play, cream pie, degrading, male dominance, against the wall, choking, and anything else you’d like ;)


Overstim, degradation, choking, bondage


The listener is new to kink and asks you as a friend or boyfriend to help them explore things they’d like to try


Maybe you could do one where you're the gym teacher at a school and you fall for the beautiful art teacher. You've been trying to be professional for months, but it just gets to a point where you can't stop yourself anymore and have to shoot your shot.


(Future suggestion for on or around your birthday) Listener is making a cake to surprise you on your birthday, but you come home early from work. The surprise is ruined but you offer to help (help being neck kisses from behind and other distracting things...it's your birthday after all so do whatever you like.) Ultimately ends with listener licking off the beater or you licking the bowl clean 😉 for aftercare: listener feels a little bad that your surprise gift wasn't finished on time. Respond with a cheesy line of how you already received the best birthday gift ever. Audio ends with oven timer going off and you offering to help with the frosting (once the cake cools) or something to that effect. It's kind of a half baked idea 😆 but I was suddenly struck by inspiration.


maybe one where like, we had to use the safe word? i can never find audios like that and when, yk, i’m doing everything you’re telling me to do it can get a little overwhelming so i wanna know how you’d react if/when we had to use it. it can start out like any other audio and maybe you could remind us of what it is before you start, then however long after the session started we had to use it and it’s just like, you comforting us and making sure that we’re okay, y’know?

Hannah Corbin

Maybe a Cinderella story!


I really like the ones that involve face sitting 🤤


I'd love a dp audio (mfm or a toy) with mention of not judging the listener for being greedy or whatever, maybe even praise for saying what they want ans/ or taking it well?