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Okay! So it's been a month since my last update, and I've been working on what was supposed to be a very short, very quick, very easy Resident Evil video game tier list ranking video. 

Unfortunately, me being me, an issue arose: me.

Naturally, this means that I overcomplicated things to the point that what should've ideally been a five, maybe ten minute -- 20, if I was pushing it -- video somehow ballooned into a video that's currently clocking in at 1 hour and 56 minutes.


I just literally do not know how to shut up lol. God damn it.

I could've uploaded what I ended up recording, but it looked boring to just stare at my screen while I wiggle the mouse around every few minutes and offer my unfiltered, unrefined, stream-of-consciousness thoughts about these games I love, so I of course decided to add footage. 

But footage means that I have to edit and sync the footage to support my statements/opinions, as well as music, so this is probably gonna be another big one.

I was really hopping to be able to get something out for February, but unless I manage to pull a Hail Mary and don't sleep for the next four days and do nothing but edit this video, I don't think that's gonna happen.

Might take all of March too. But I know for certain I'm going to upload something, anything, for April since that's my favourite month (bonus points if you can guess why), even if it's not this one.

I should probably get back to it (I've got about 28 minutes done out of the 1 hr and 56 mins). This was meant to be a quasi-review, hence the "quick" tier rankings, but well...me and my big mouth.

Thanks for sticking around, ye faithful few. I hope you had a fantastic February and lovely Valentine's Day. Enjoy February 29th, since 2024 is a Leap Year.

Hopefully I'll have something for you by March 25th (if I start doing these check-ins monthly instead of whenever; ideally more frequently).

Ciao 4 nao!


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