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Thank you to those of you still here. I appreciate your constant, silent support. Makes me feel like you're silent backers in a company, or a dream, here to believe and support me and see what happens.

And as someone with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, and Major Depressive Disorder, I really appreciate your patience and support. I'm terrible with time management and plan to update only when I have something worth informing you all on.

If you need constant updates or this doesn't work for you, I completely understand if you would like to stop your pledge and I wish you the best, and thank you for your support to this point.

That said, I do have some exciting news for you. I have been working on Cinder's Fall, and for the sake of my own mental health, and also because I am falling out of love with RWBY and am getting burnt out on this shitshow of a series (and moving onto quality content like the Bayonetta video game series, of which I definitely want to explore in video essays, presumably starting with a quick Bayonetta 3 review, with a more in-depth one to follow at some nebulous date in the future), I've decided to split Cinder's Fall into three parts.

The first part is going to cover everything from Volumes 1, 2, and 3. The second part is going to cover everything from Volumes 4, 5, and 6. And the final part is going to cover everything from Volumes 7, 8, and 9, the lattermost of which has yet to even begin airing.

This allows me time to devote to each part the Cinder's Fall trilogy its due time and care. As a reminder, everything is already scripted and recorded.

Cinder's Fall Part 1 is largely complete. I just have to decide if I want to sync background music or if it will distract from my voice and the video essay itself. If I do add music, then Part 1 is 99.5% done. If I don't, it's 99.9 - 100% done. I'm giving it a look over to edit minor things and make sure it looks good.

The plan is to have this available to watch on January 1st, 2023, a sort of way to ring in the new year. Unless I decide I want to do that with the Bayonetta video first, to set the tone for the new year, and new direction for my channel, which will be much more eclectic and not RWBY-focused.

I want to talk about games and comics and books and shows and movies and more. So I gots a bit of thinking to do.

At any rate, I will upload it soon, and since I believe people can now upload videos directly on Patreon, you all will be the first to see it!

On my main YouTube channel, I will most certainly be flagged by RoosterTeeth/Warner Bros for copyrighted content, so it might take a bit to dispute and have it available to watch over there. But the goal is early January, or perhaps February if I do the Bayonetta 3 quick review video first.

Cinder's Fall Part 1 will be up here on Patreon ideally on New Year's Day. So keep a look out for that!

I've got some IRL stuff coming up, specifically a move, so it'll likely be back to ghosting until I have a new update.

Reminder, feel free to unpledge if this doesn't work for you/your support is contingent on constant updates. I cant promise that, so I'd rather be upfront and honest, so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not to keep supporting me.

Thanks for sticking by me, and look forward to my critique on Cinder soon!

Much love,

Mouks ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖


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