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aka I'm working on the script still, and I'm at Cinder's flashback episode, "Midnight", so you know I have a lot to say about that lol.

I truly hate Rhodes, he was so fucking stupid, like imagine seeing a child being abused and instead of being a Huntsman, who's supposed to, y'know, do something about it and be a paragon of goodness, you tell this girl she has to survive with her abuse for seven more years before she can just leave.

And then when she finally snaps and kills her abusers (good on her!), suddenly he's all about following the law and doing what's good and just and decides he has to take her in. 

Fuck Rhodes. I'm so glad he's dead. I hope he's rotting in RWBY hell.

REALLY hoping the script is done by the 1st of January. And then it'll just be a process to put the video component to it after recording lol.


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