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I figured this would be a good way to whet your appetites for the full video! Hope you like it!


The Problem with Penny - First 15 Minutes Excerpt

[IMPORTANT INFO BELOW!] I'm still hard at work on this video, but you folks have been patient enough so I figured I'd let you sneak a peek at the first 15 minutes. The video will be a little over an hour, and I've got about 26 minutes of it done so far. If I maintain my spoons, maybe I'll have I out by next week. I'm also thinking about starting a Patreon, since these videos take forever to make and that's time I could be spending working to pay bills. Patreon would help offset that and allow me to make more videos with lesser worries and produce higher quality content since I won't be worried as much about bills. What do you think? Would you be willing to support me on Patreon? Please let me know, so I can figure out how to start one! Thanks for checking this video out and reading this description!


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