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So, it's been a long time coming, but my baby has kicked the bucket, gave up the ghost, and bought the farm. This means until I can scrounge up a couple thousand, I won't be able to make videos :(

What's worse is that Netflix blocked my Blood of Zeus 2+ hour review, before it even reached 100 views. It only got 95 before Netflix struck it down. I can't even edit out the parts they blocked because my laptop is dead. Everything's coming up roses, clearly!

What I CAN do is keep scripting ideas and working out what my next videos will be, since I at least have a Samsung tablet. I can type on that, but I don't think it's powerful enough for actual video editing, and it also doesn't have my program of choice either (Adobe Premiere Pro). I should learn to work with another video editing software (when I have a laptop again) because fuck Adobe and their bullshit.

Sorry for the lack of an update, and bringing you bad news when I did, but you can see from the title why that was. In the meantime, I'm gonna script more Blood of Zeus analyses and content stuff, work on the script of my recap/review of Season 2, and also perhaps start talking about Interview with the Vampire because season 2 just ended and that show is SO fucking goooood. IWTV and BOZ are my top two shows right now, and I need seventeen more seasons STAT.

Hope you're doing well, happy Somalia Independence Day (I would've said the same thing for Canada Day but Canada is an evil settler colony that is complicit in the normalization of genocide, YET AGAIN), and stay frosty, you cool cats. <3


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