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Went for my post-op interview with the expectation that all would be fine and I would be done in ten minutes.  

All was not fine.

The 'granulation' has formed something like a bridge across my throat - which goes some way to explaining why I've been whistling when I yawn. Plus, the difficulty breathing.  I thought it was just the asthma that runs in my family acting up in response to everything and it'd go away eventually.  

It was not and will not.  

So now I've been booked in for some not quite desperate surgery tomorrow at twelve thirty. They need to laser the... polyps? Scar tissue? Scabs? I'm not entirely sure what fits.  Fortunately, I don't need knocking out this time. Just a local anesthetic.

Unfortunately, that means I get to be conscious when they start shoving things down my throat.  

I'm not squeamish about this shit, but it still doesn't sound particularly enjoyable. And not how I planned to spend my Friday morning.  Well, whatever... I doubt I'm going to be getting much writing done tomorrow. I guess we'll see how it goes though.

Just figured I'd make a post to keep ya'll in the loop.

Here's some Shui and Shi AI art to add some spice to an otherwise boring post (I've been generating a personal collection of characters with AI because... well, it's fun to do. I find that, ironically, I have a lot more control over the outcome than I do when I work with actual artists. For the most part. Not to say I'll stop using artists, because I won't, it's just... fun).




Have no fear, it'll be here tonight :D


I am both super excited it is almost here, and super depressed that it is the last chapter for a few years. Regardless, cheers mate on another great story.