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“You heard the boss – time to run through our pre-match diagnostic. Let’s make sure that Legion is ready to fight. Seren,” he added, glancing at the Ulnus. “Could you please enter the cockpit so that I can test your suit’s connection?”

“That’s not exactly how this works,” Solli interjected, Darren looking to him in confusion. “Seren, why don’t you show him?”

“Would you please hold this for me?” Seren asked, walking over to Darren. Before he could ask her to elaborate, she draped her arms around his neck, leaning in to put her featureless face a scant inch from his own as though preparing to kiss him. He could see the strange gel moving beneath her translucent skin, and he found that she was warm to the touch – not at all what he had expected.

Then she began to drain. There was no other way to describe it. Starting at the tip of her long ponytail, her gel began to coalesce, leaving an empty cavity inside her suit. It reached her head, Darren looking on with wide eyes as her face caved in on itself like a deflating pool toy, her empty arms dangling over his shoulder. As her head collapsed, he saw that there was a port on the back of her suit, a stream of green slime pouring out of it like a faucet.

The living sludge pooled on the ground behind her – no, that was her – then it began to slither towards her mech. Her suit was completely empty now, little more than a limp sleeve in the shape of a person, Seren slithing up Legion’s nearest leg. She poured into the gaps in its hull, like footage being played in reverse, the bubbling slime slowly vanishing. The mech lurched to life, its eight limbs flexing, its thrusters flaring with blue flame.


Wotün, the Butterlord

I awoke to a notification with a Sexy Space Babes tag. This is a good day.


oh god i love slime girls HELL yeah