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Shorlas Magaskawee

That outfit seems so fast. She must be a scout pilot.


Love that uniform.

C Fern

Her hands look spindly.


The goggles lenses are to far apart for her eyes

Zac The Lizard

Anyone else think she looks derpy?

Andrew Webb

The title "Human Concept Art" makes it sound like the artist has never seen a human before and is rendering this image based on someone else's description. Hot take: Bluefishcake is an alien babe sending these stories from another galaxy in order to gauge humanity's level of interest in kinky sex with extraterrestrials.


Thats just silly... humanitys level of interest in kinky sex with extraterestrials cannot be gauged :P

Andrew Webb

@Marcin that just makes me envision him trying to explain the depth of our depravity to his superiors. They would be all like, "why havent you finished cataloguing their kinks yet?" and he would be like, "you dont understand, they find EVERYTHING sexy. They even have a rule about it!"


I believe it, because that is exactly what I wanted to read.


Beta Readers have it. Two weeks. Two chapters. I'm technically on time. Woot!


Wait. I thought you were on hiatus for this month? Not saying I don't love updates, but I was surprised.

Samuel Alexander Vall Andersen

the new chapter haven't been unlocked. Can you please unlock it? 28 is available on royalroad and 29 is only available for tier 2 patreons. I enjoy your writing!

Crit Happens

Who is the artist?