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Hello all,

I've had an idea mulling around in my head for the last few days, and rather than continue to think about it in isolation, I figured I might as well ask my patrons.

After completing the next book, Sexy Space Babes will officially have a trilogy to it's name.

It's not a trilogy though, and I intend to write more books in the series, but book three will be the end of the first 'arc'.

With that said, variety is the spice of life, and after having written three books in the same universe within a year, I'd like to write something different for one book.

...I also need some time to properly plan out the next arc.

Which is where you lot come in. This is the Sexy Space Babes patreon after all, not the BlueFishcake patreon.

Would you be interested in seeing something new by me on this patreon? Or would you prefer I pause billing while I work on it? ....Or maybe you'd like to see some evidence of this new series before we get ahead of ourselves and start making decisions?

Rest assured, I don't take everyone's support for granted, hence why I am - with some trepidation - asking this here and now.

Please bear in mind, that nothing is likely going to change for a month or two. Just getting a read of the room now, as it has been on my mind.



As long as you don’t end the current one on a cliffhanger, I don’t care. Do what you wanna do, it’s better for us (or at least me) and you in the long run. With that being said I’m actually quite curious about “evidence of this new series”.


This is the SSB Patreon but personally I'm giving Blue Fishcake money so that I get to read more stuff that you write. If you need a break from SSB to stop yourself from burning out on SSB then I'm all for a diversion, and I can only imagine you have a hundred other ideas you wish you had time to work on!

Taylor Tilbury

I'm interested in the evidence, but I personally would be fine with keeping the payments going.


I like SSB series so I really don't want to see you tired or burned out by your own creation. So if you want to create something else... Go for it!


Do whatever you want king


SSB I found completely by accident and few in love with it however burn out can lead to so pretty bad stuff for you so, if you need to or want to try writing something else I ask please forget about SSB however I will still be supporting you because I would still be interested in what you come up with.


I’d love to see any of the rough planning you’ve thought of for the new book! Would be willing to support even if SSB is on hiatus for a bit to prevent burnout


I'm with everyone else here; Love your SSB series but I'm very aware (as it's been repeated) that burnout is real and detrimental to a series.


If you want to work on something new I'm glad to still support you. Maybe you could dip your toe into Fantasy? Plenty of new inspiration/material to use there


My support on patreon for folks, you included, is because I like what they do and I want them to be able to keep doing it. I like your writing! So I'll be continuing to support you through other projects. I would love to see what else you're working on on here.


You write sex scenes with less smut and more romance. As long as your new story follows this formula most people should be happy I feel.

Michael Morse

I don’t get attached to authors and read everything they write. I like SSB and I’ll give whatever else you write a shot but until I get a sample I can’t say whether I would remain a patron. If you are going to start a new series, unless you can archive SSB somehow to keep it accessible while you publish the new series I would keep the Patreon’s separate with a link to the new Patreon pinned to the top.


A new book sounds interesting.

Gerben van Essen

I will bear it in mind. This is a thought I will carry with me rather than undress. Though the alternative is acceptable if you really have to break down the thought. But I prefer to dissect it at that point.


I'd be interested in seeing what you put out next before making a judgement call

Shorlas Magaskawee

I agree with Max. I would like more info before I decide.

Ripley Riley

It is as you said, "This is the SSB Patreon". That is why I'm here after all. I wouldn't mind reading a sample of this new story, but my gut feeling is I would rather this Patreon remain dedicated to SSB.


I would like to see a sample of your new work. I think it's fine to use this patreon for both because I expect if you commit to a new work you would not be working on that and a new SSB book at the same time, so instead of swapping between two different patreons with only one active at a time I think it makes more sense to keep both in the same place and patrons can come and go as they please as long as you firmly declare when you're switching.


I use patreon to support people and not a single series i like what you do and want to help you so i will be continueing to support you as long as my wallet holds up

Edmund Lam

I agree with JG, and I like this new episodic approach to books I gather it may be better for you too, with at least a bit of revenue coming in between book releases.


I'll continue to support you until the books stop coming. I love your work and I can't get enough of it. I would like to see what you have planned next.


Generally open to the idea, but a bit more information would help with making an informed decision.

Jeff Fischer

In all honesty, I'll give you a month or so to see if I like the new story or not but I usually wind up unsubscribing if I'm not happy with the new story.


As others have said I'd like to see some samples of what you have in mind. that being said I will probably support you regardless since it is your writing style that got me hooked in the first place.


I'd like to reserve my opinion until I see what the other project would be. I really came here to support SSB but your work is very good so I wouldn't be surprised if I was similarly drawn in by the next book


I would just pause patreon stuff, because I only want to give you money for early access to content But if you need the money and people want to support you through writing these new books that's valid too


I'd like to see the work in question before I decide

White Neko Knight

I'm fine with this being the BlueFishcake early release patreon. I'd like to see the new work, but so long as I'm getting new chapters of consistent quality on a regular basis I'm content.

Haggeo Gomez

I agree with White Nemo Knight

Haggeo Gomez

I want to continue reading your work doesn’t matter what it is.

Andrew Walseth

I don’t think the site title matters as much as you probably think it does - This is your Patreon.


I am optimistic but would like more info before committing

Andrew Walseth

In addition, as far as content is concerned, people sign up for access like this to see what the author is working on and that in part is seeing their creative process. We also like to help as we can, comment, and be part of the community. So show us the process and what you are working on or playing with warts and all, please. That’s why we are here.. We will pay you back with honest criticism and support.

Ron Jensen

I'm interested to see what else you have in the fire. Give it a try.

Andrew Walseth

If getting people confused and the content mixed up is a concern, you can always sub-divide the posts or filter tag them by project or books to allow people to quickly sort the stream of posts to see what they want. Many other Patreon Authors work things that way.


i'm here for sexy babes, so i'm out, i will resub if the new story is interesting enough.


I’ve read series in the past where the author pushes too hard just because it is successful. Naturally I’m enjoying this series, but don’t force yourself until you’ve lost passion and interest based on a schedule. I’ll be here for new series too, as long as we’re not talking George R.R. Martin wait time for updates on SSB. Sustainability is key.


Im down to see something first but honestly im here for ssb

Aaron Floyed

The big one for me is the Amazon algorithm. When you publish a new book, they stop advertising the old one. So it would depend on how long it is between books. I know that fast publishing has killed series in the past. That is why Logan Jacobs, and Eric Vall have so many series on the go. They are seriously putting out a new book every week, but it's normally a new book per series every month of so. They wait for 100 reviews before they start writing the next in a series and those 100 reviews have to be USA based reviews not global Amazon reviews. Personally I love your writing stile, your characters are rich and evolve and your world building is amazing. Write a new series and I will buy it 😁

Orion Dye

More of a one story guy. Had a few other authors go in a different direction on me. It’s fine and I still sub for them for a while, but I prefer to wait for a large number of chapters to be uploaded before I read something new, so after a few months they’re at 30 or 40 chapters, then I drop them because they’re just not gripping me anymore. So if you do start something new, I’ll prob hang around for a few mo the then drop.

Julien Barrette

I’m not subscribed to sexy space babes, I’m subscribed to its author. Your writing is good enough that I don’t mind what you publish. I’ll be happy either way.


I started supporting you because I enjoy your writing, not just SSB in particular. As for whether this should be a separate Patreon, I'd have to hear your pitch for it, so I know if it's in a genre I enjoy.


If you're concerned about leaving SSB fans high and dry, maybe you could commission art works of fan-favorite SSB characters to post in between. You could have polls for your Patreon members for which characters get art done of them. I'm sure we'd all love some quality art of our favorite girls!


I like your writing, and I think you hit the nail on the head with "Or maybe you'd like to see some evidence of this new series before we get ahead of ourselves and start making decisions?" Let us see your new ideas and we can figure out if we want to patreon it separately or not.

Timothy Hare

I won't lie. It depends. I quite like the current story arc as it is, unresolved mysteries remain. It could have it's ups and downs later but I think this line of theater still has a healthy length to go. Eh, something new would not be too bad but I like what is currently happening.


I wouldn't mind seeing your new ideas. However, in general I enjoy your writing style, and I am confident I'd enjoy anything you wrote. As for making a new Patreon to host the new story, I feel like the Pros of that is an easier time organizing each story apart from each other. The cons being now you have to manage two Patreons.


I’d like proof of concept

Emmanuel Dixon

i'm down for a proof of concept mostly cause im greedy. we're mostly at your whimsy writer man if you wanna write something different for a while, while you cook up some more sexy space babes go for it.


Proof of concept

Joseph Barratt

I’d support it for 1-2 months before making a call. Would be more likely to stay if it was in the same world though.


I'll just say this, as long as there is support for the content creators in the fanbase, the community should stay relatively healthy for at least a few months, so I don't mind if you try a new story for a little bit

Milo Panda

I'd like if you kept the patron active and continued it as you do now. Im pretty sure I'm gonna love what you make next, and if I dont I can always come back later.


something i would like to see is an expending universe, maybe setting it in a classroom on earth where we either follow one or more teachers teaching kids on earth about the history, culture and social structure etc of the Shil’vati empire including the Rakiri society. and also about the Coalition and the Alliance (´−`) ンー. this could be both good and bad in a way, as it puts more "guide lines" for all the fan made content as now we only have a few short lines to go from, but knowing more about this stuff can also make them deeper in a way as we get a clear understanding of the universe that would also give you some time to brainstorm next arc. or minor stories with the background of the other character, or what Tarcil, Raisha and the others been up to. but dont burn yourself out tbh i wouldnt mind longer nsfw parts