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Chapter is pretty much finished and I should be posting it sometime in the next... twenty four hours or so :P

With that said, a recent comment has echoed something I've been considering myself. That being that between my break and the surgery there's not been a much content at all this month.

Now, while I don't doubt many of you generous souls accept this as simply the price of doing business with an unreliable creative like myself ( :D ), I must admit I 've felt little bit off about the whole thing. I do not like feeling like I'm taking anyone's patience for granted - even if the responding comments warmed my cold dead heart.

To that end, while I can't retroactively return the charges from this month without a lot of hassle, I will not be taking payment next month.

As such, ya'll won't be charged on the first of July. I will still be writing next month though.

 Hope ya'll enjoy the chapter later and have a great day.