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Been greatly enjoying my break. So much so that I've been puttering around with my 3D printer attempting to make a new Steam Tank for Age of Sigmar.

...When an idea occurred to me. And I figured I'd see if it was as amusing to ya'll as it was to me.

And I figured I'd also let ya'll know that I'll be back next Friday with the first chapter of book two of Sexy Steampunk Babes.




Writing via phone. Just got in from surgery. Feel much shittier than last time. Wanted to make a few final edits to the chapter so it'd line up with some other changes I made to shit later down the line. Figured I'd do it after the surgery. They're small changes after all. Bad plan. Feel like... just had surgery. Will sleep for six hours. Then make edits and post chapter. Plan’s intact, just shifted around a little. Sorry. Thanks. Going to crawl into a corner and die quietly for a while. Will still post Friday... just late Friday. Thanks.


I AM ALIVE! And beta readers have it :D A nice chunky 5k. Now I just need to stay awake long enough for them to their work... (Painkillers ho!)