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A choice!

  • Now, please. 103
  • Full thing tomorrow, please. 781
  • 2024-05-05
  • 884 votes
{'title': 'A choice!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Now, please.', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'Full thing tomorrow, please.', 'votes': 781}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 5, 7, 44, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 884}


I said Sunday and come hell or high water you'll have a Sunday release if you want it.

Issue is that I'm fully out of juice for the day and I'm reaching the point where I'm starting to write 'just to get it done'.

I thought getting a huge double length chapter out would be a fun 'treat' with no cliffhangers.

I regret that decision as I'm now feeling guilty for missing that deadline while ironically getting more writing done in a shorter timeframe than normal.

Chapter is roughly double length as it stands. Six thousand words. I figure I need maybe another thousand or thousand five hundred to finish it.

And I just... can't. I'm spent.

Fight scenes... blegh.

With that said, I stand by the idea that I think one big chapter for the fight scene will be better than splitting it up. With that said, you've all been very politely patient as I attempted this stupidity.

Of what is written thus far, there's a fairly decent break point I've found at the 4.5k point. It's a cliffhanger, but that's a given.

The question is, do you want that now - with the rest tomorrow? Or do you want to wait an extra day for the full thing at once?

(Feel free to vote as your whims take you, I genuinely don't mind which you pick at this point - I'm just thankful for you all being so polite and patient. )



I dont get it what is beta readers cuz i only know about the patreon tier lol


Beta readers are folks who read through a chapter and point out spelling and grammar errors. They are like editors, but less so. Called such because the chapter they get is in a 'beta' state (like the programming term) and almost ready to be released.


Sooo, been a few weeks. How's the chapter?