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As a Jew who listens to the show and often hears Harvard mentioned, I was highly disappointed neither Dr. Wider nor Taylor spoke about the Harvard student’s who publicly blamed Israel for the terrorist acts of Hamas….. And then to hear Taylor bring up her support of BLM after the organizations public support of Hamas. Taylor really needs to do some reflection on her own personal beliefs and what she stands for and stop regurgitating her white, blind cult activism. It really shows her ignorance in situations like this.


Give her time to learn then. I wouldn’t attack. Her heart is obviously in the right spot. You can’t fault someone for not being an expert in everything.


Expressing my disappointment is not a form of “attacking” her. We’re all adults here living through and witnessing some pretty difficult times. Clearly some of you really need to grow up and learn to take constructive criticism without going on the defensive and asking for a safe room to heal. Lastly, if you “need time” to learn if standing behind the Hamas is or isn’t the right thing to do, you aren’t owed anything from anyone, especially us actual Jewish folks. Taylor wastes no time inserting Harvard into every conversation and her silence now is deafening.


I didn’t know about these and just googled, it looks like these stories were posted hours ago if not just over 24 hours ago. Just because we have the internet in our hands doesn’t mean we know ALL the things on the internet instantly. Not posting every thing she sees in the news instantly with a reaction seems reasonable


Very powerful and thank you both for the vulnerability ❤️I am a very white catholic girl and have been deeply disturbed by all of this and have listened to this episode twice (so far) because you are queens sharing your raw emotions and experiences. Thank you 💙 thank you for sharing and educating 💙


Reading comprehension is hard so let me explain. My comment was “it really shows her ignorance”. The word ignorance is used as a noun here; I didn’t call her ignorant. And once again, expressing disappointment isn’t an attack. What Hamas is doing to the people of Israel is an attack. A little perspective goes a long way, especially in these times.