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The stupidity and hateful in some of these comments should do some soul searching and also BE CANCELLED FROM THIS SHOW bc we don’t welcome this


Wow. Hurt people hurt people. If you are a true listener, you would have compassion for Taylor and support.


Right!?!? Apparently Maria is an expert on this so we should definitely trust what she says instead of the ACTUAL doctor. Dr Wider would never speak on something without doing the research especially on new treatments. #trustinwider


I mean, it's kinda her show. She can and should speak about whatever she wants. That's kinda the point of ttss, am I wrong?


This episode was a bit of a turn off. Ozempic is NOT a weight loss drug. People who need to take for medical reasons are having trouble getting it. The obsession Taylor has with being skinny is getting to be too much. I don’t think she’s even tried to diet and exercise to begin with. Dr. Wider, as a doctor, should not be entertaining this.. but I wouldn’t trust her regardless.


I agree Taylor could have lost 20 pounds in the time she has been talking about this ridiculous drug. Here's another OR for her. Eat less move more. For the record, not naturally thin. Keep it tight by walking and no dairy Love Mrs Fisher


OMG I cannot take this show anymore. First, I must lose weight before my wedding. Now, I must lose 10 lbs before I turn 40! I agree, Mrs. Fisher, eat less and move more and USE YOUR FUCKING PELOTON! The entire show is 1000% about Taylor losing weight. Enough already! She’s so jealous of anyone thinner than her is so boring and not entertaining!


I found todays episode to be quite helpful


I don’t enjoy the constant weight loss talk either, but some of these comments are a bit much and not at all constructive.


Damnmmnn. Well I liked the show! Dr Wider always has me laughing!


FYI Mrs Fisher... that is sooo cruel! You have no IDEA what the WHOLE story is and what she's going through. Everyone's body is different. I'm currently at 260. I eat twice a day and can't seem to lose weight so.... are you going to tell me I need to get up off my fat ass and move more too? And for the record, Tay's ass isn't fat. She's a beautiful, gorgeous, kind, funny, and caring person and shame on you and anyone else coming at her like that after she so brave to be so vulnerable and share her life with us.... "with love" my ass.. I'm disgusted 😒 😑... so much for women supporting women..


Mimi Fisher - so you thought about your post, typed it out and still posted it? I am not sure who hurt you, but it is not okay that you spoke that way about or to someone. You should really seek out some therapy to find out why you feel it is okay to speak about/to anybody in this manner.


Alright, Maria. Everything you said was basically wrong. get it together.


UNSUBSCRIBE. Dear, God. If you do not find her entertaining u n s u b s c r i b e. She absolutely will not miss you. But, then again, how would you fill your sad empty days if you didn't have content to troll?


I have a normal BMI but feel uncomfortable in my body being 10-15 lbs over what I’d like to be. I exercise and have tried cleanses, 1200 calorie diet etc but after 40 it’s been very difficult. I would not even know about semaglutide if it weren’t for the show. I discussed with my doctor, got the Rx and am down 5 lbs and feel so relieved this is an option. I even asked my pharmacist if they had a shortage because I did not want to take it if it meant someone with diabetes couldn’t get theirs. They had an abundance and assured me nobody would be without. If you hate the show, please stop commenting and just stop listening. If you are here just to be rude then you clearly have other issues within yourself that need addressing.


I’m so happy for you, Sarah. A 1,200 calorie diet is starving. I’m glad you’re getting help. Good luck!!


Mrs. Fisher & C. Kant- You are both cruel!! Stop listening. You can walk and cut out dairy and keep it tight. Good for you. That doesn’t work for everyone! If you are going post comments like these you should be required to post pictures of yourself! I don’t understand why women and men find the need to be so mean. I would love to sit across the table from both you and just verbally tear your appearance apart and see how you feel afterwards.


Do you know the ozempic’s active ingreident is semaglutin which is an incretin mimetics. It works by helping the pancreas to release the right amount of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. Therefore, people can actually be insulin resistant without being diabetic. Insulin is one of our main hormone regulators. Which can be a cause of pcos which Taylor has mentioned she has horrible periods and her recent statement regarding her ovaries and eggs. But hey you know it all. While you are clearly the expert, Maria in all things weight loss as you wouldn’t “trust Dr. wider” why are you even listening?


Wow!! I can’t believe how rude people can be!! If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all!!! I am interested in this conversation and appreciate the info but I appreciate those who do not!! I just fast forward a bit through the pieces I am not really that interested in.


Uneducated and rude comments are obnoxious- just don’t listen - PS-after working in a 90 % female staffed organization- with a strong medical background- I didn’t participate- this shaming behavior—-women slamming women - I somehow made it to the top- really think about how few Female CEOs are in charge of these organizations— while clearly over 90 % of CEOs are males in these positions-, yes - it’s male privilege -we can do better - these comments don’t help - Unkind and cruel