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(EDIT: I forgot something important!
Someone has created a project to translate the Chapter 2 into several languages. If you'd like to take part, please visit his site:
https://crowdin.com/project/once-a-porn-a-time !
I'll add the translated languages to the steam version, of course, and your name will be added to the game's credits! )

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well!

It's about time I brought you up to date on everything that's going on! With Chapter 2 nearing completion and the next game in development, every day is a busy day for us! ahah
So let's talk about the upcoming update!

As you can see from the title, the next update will be a patreon quest, and it will be the last in this chapter!
It's scheduled for the end of the month and will probably be a fairly short update, as I've already told you, the end of the game is approaching and so the game's rhythm needs to speed up.
I know some of you panic every time I say something's coming to an end, but don't worry, I'll keep making games ! It's just this game that has to end at some point! ahah~~

So, you may be asking yourself: "But if it always takes you so long to do the updates, and they're shorter ... What do you do all day?! "
Well, as you might expect, we're preparing the next game!
And considering that it's going to be a much more complex game than OPT1 and 2, we have to plan ahead so that you don't have to wait several long months between the release of OPT2 and the first update of the new game.
And I can tell you that it's going to be a really cool first update.

BUT, I'm going to wait for OPT 2 to be released on Steam before officially presenting this new game.

And to give you a taste of what's to come, let's just say that there will officially be 6 of us working full-time on this new game against... well... Just me for chapter 1 and 3 people for chapter 2.
So, yes, the level and quality are increasing year after year! ~~
( If you were wondering how I spend the money from this Patreon, well the answer is here! I hire more people, and we produce more things for you! :D )

Thank you again for your support! I know this period of transition between two games isn't the easiest, but I think it's worth it!

Oh and, If you haven't yet added OPT2 to your Wishlist on Steam, now's the time! It's a huge help to its visibility!
Steam Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2735510/Once_a_Porn_a_Time_2/

Thank you again for all your support, it's thanks to you that I can have such a cool job! ~~

See you very soon!
Bye ~~




Are you interested in the point of view of a french canadian for the french translation?

William Pierson

I would LOVE to see if Tink could transfer to a bigger Tink body so she and our hero can actually get down instead of innuendo.


Bien sur! Si tu veux participer à la traduction du jeu en français, je t'en prie, tu peu aller sur le site du projet de la traduction juste ici: https://crowdin.com/project/once-a-porn-a-time

Isaac Bennett

Or we could somehow get shrunk down for a little bit and do something with the past fairies as well as Tink