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Hello everyone!

In today's newsletter, we're going to talk about the new update that's just around the corner!
And yes, thanks to our new office and my more-motivated-than-ever artist team, we're finally able to release updates faster than ever before with superb animation and drawing quality!

So, the next update is of course scheduled for next month, and will include the continuation of the main story and maybe even some romances if you get on well with your headquarters colleagues!

My goal is to finish this update by the middle of the month.

Concerning the last update, I don't know what you think, but I think it was a bit too soft for my taste, I tried something a bit too erotic and less porny, and it's not something that has been much more successful I think.
Even though I love adding eroticism to what I create, it lacked a bit of action, if you know what I mean.
Don't hesitate to tell me what you think about it.

As for what's next, I think some of the next updates will focus on the main story. I definitely want to develop Sherazade and Aladin further, and above all, we're going to get a new character: Ali-Baba.
( And no, it's not the character in the Newsletter thumbnail! )

As for the employees, I'm really enjoying writing Amandine and Lycoris, both of whom I adore. However, I have no idea if there's one you prefer more than another, and I'd be very curious to hear your opinion on the subject!

So don't hesitate to tell me what you think of these characters!

In other news, as I mentioned earlier, the game that will follow OPT Chapter 2 will take place in another part of the Galaxy, but still in the OPT universe and timeline.

Right now, all the artists are working on OPT, but I've hired a game programmer to take care of the future gameplay, which I think will be really cool. Even though an overwhelming majority of the game will remain a visual novel, I want the gameplay part to be fun to play. So I'm planning far in advance to make sure it's perfect!

The main characters are also in the concept phase, and I really think you're going to love them!
And finally, my next game will have a visible main character! And customizable!
Anyway, it's still a long way off, so I won't say any more in this newsletter!

I'll see you very soon to give you a precise date for the release of the next update!

In the meantime, have a nice day and take care of yourself!

Bye ~



morris ridgeway

I love all of the characters you have created and I like the story line of chap. 2. But you are the creator and it your vision that drives the journey. I am just along for the ride and it is great.


Lycoris is amazing! Can't wait to see more of her.

Tristan Watts

wonder who the character in the thumbnail will be as they look like a sultana and at first thought it was ursula until closer look


Chapter 2's going great, but i'd love to go visit some of the girls from chapter 1, especially the fawn

Killan Rasvally

Fawn was my favorite, thou the Art really changed for the main event with her which I was not overly fond of. But great character


It'd be cool if she came back and started working for Tink in some way Maybe she helps you search for stuff with the drone or something

Killan Rasvally

Lycoris is really interesting, and with the horns I feel like some very creative things can be done with her. The erotisisim was really good, just wasn't great with the lack of pay off in the end. Lots of foreplay to be blue balled lol. Definitely looking forward to more being done with the other employees in the station. Really surprised nothing with Amelia. She kinda just seems rather forgotten in a sense, hope more gets done with her.


Yeah I think Lycoris juuuust edges out Amandine for me, but I’m excited to see content for either. I’m also hoping for some more opportunities to have Lycoris adjust more outfits.

Lazychuck Productions

I'm impartial to either character. I was wondering if either for patreon members. That we should help emee with the whole brothel idea. Which could earn us a small stream of credits a night nothing game breaking but enough to help with the costs of lycoris dresses. Not saying getting credits are hard. On that note are there plans to bring back the 5ap and 1 time emergency back up for the drone mini game

Raylon Darkrus

Hopefully we get some more tinker bell options


Honestly I like Lycoris more, I feel like there is more sexual tension between her and the MC, with Amandine I feel like we behave more like a team of mischievous people creating Machiavellian plans to corrupt the other characters hahaha. Either way, whatever path you decide I'll be happy to play it, keep it up!


will we get the option to view alt variants in chapter 2? i locked in corrupt jasmine before i realized and really do not want to do the early stuff just for the slight differences.


For what it's worth, I liked the 0.7 update. I don't disagree that it was 'softer' than previous updates. No crescendos like that excellent (and in my opinion long overdue) Emee anal scene for example. But I saw it as a good narrative table setting. Setting the stage for bigger payoffs in future updates. I also think it's worth remembering the larger context. As a content update for an in-development game, it's not not the meatiest or most tentilating. But when viewed in the larger context of a completed game, I think the perceived 'softnes' will be a non-issue. Since you won't be waiting a month or two between content updates, you can better appreciate its role in setting the stage and building up anticipation. A little bit of breathing room in between high points enhances their impact.


Big fan of Amandine. I like Lycoris, but Amandine brings something we don’t have in any of the other crew members. Also, like the direction Emee is taking but poor Melisandre has really been sidelined so far in chapter 2. She’s just stuck in the lab.


Yes, Jasmine's corruption will be restartable once it's finished, just like Rapunzel's was :)


I completely agree with this take. We don’t need hardcore content in every update, some teasing can serve the purpose of... well, teasing the player! I believe consistently including hardcore content in every patch would create a repetitive pattern, eliminating any element of surprise for the player.


I couldn't agree more. I'll never take away the teasing and eroticism of the game, it's really something I deeply love. And even if I'm adding a bit more hardcore, I'll always find a way to surprise you eheh


Yeah i think meli needs some attention, despite this chapter is focused on amadee and lycoris..


I enjoyed the design of interview characters, i would love a crew member with alternative style (yeah i know i have bad tase in women).


You and your team's ability to balance those elements is a big reason why your work is so popular and why the rest of us are here. Keep up the good work.


Anyway good job, the characters are lovable as always, i wonder who will be the next princess to get corrupted (please make kiida sometime in the future)

Matt Lindborg

I enjoy Amandine being very well to do, but also hiding a naughty side. Lycoris is more like a young lady who just woke up to her sexy side and revels in it. I like both characters and what they bring to the game. Can't wait for the next update! :)


i kinda want snow white back


Lycoris more of her for sure! Do wish could see more of her feet 🙏 either way the game is going great.


Will Snow White and Sphinx be coming back eventually?

Keen Dilemma

I'd love to see Season 1 and 2 mashed together at some point so we can revisit old favorites and have our fun there too. I miss Rapunzel and Elsa, we had our fun and now we skipped out on them.

Isaac Bennett

Thanks for the update! I feel the way you do this update was a bit to soft but it was still good. That bit with Amandine was so good but not the blue balls at the end lol.


yeah like Keen Dilemma said, it would be fun to drag characters from season 1 into season 2, like rapunsel who wanted to travle, so why not bring her to agrabad maybe the brothel, maybe the genies cave, for me it would defenitly be an end goal to just gather all the characters in a massive harem orgy. And if not that just bringing some of them into new and interesting situations in unfamiliar locations, that could be fun too. And honestly i enjoy all of your character writing, they are funny and interesting. Some might not get that much depth that they could get but i feel that you manage to get me drawn into their stories with surface level alone which is very promising. Looking forward to the next update :)

Jai McCoy

I prefer Lycoris to Amandine personally. I'd love to see her get some more love!

Flash Abuser

hoping for some scenes with Tinker

Chewiewook The Vindicator

Just wanted to drop in and say I get far more excited about updates for this game more than any AAA game in the last 5 years. So well done.


Can't wait for the update! My gf and I both enjoy Amandine and Lycoris, perhaps with a slight preference for Amandine. Jasmine's story is looking great so far, and Sherazade and Aladin are definitely interesting! Keep up the good job!


i still cant get the last update it keeps telling me its wrong

John Halo

I love all the characters in this chapter (especially Jasmine and Sherazade as I’ve said before), but if it’s between Lycoris and Amandine, I’d choose Lycoris every time. She’s very interesting.


When would the release date be? And It has to be amandine, something about hard to get, makes it worth the wait


We're working hard to get the update out tomorrow. As usual, it will be available for a week on Tier 3, then on Tier 2 for 3 weeks before being released to the public.