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Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about two main things, 

We'll start with the game's release on steam, and news about the next update and when it's coming out!

So, regarding the release on steam, it all went really well! It's very stressful to release your first game on steam, and I'm happy to have finally reached this stage ahah.
The feedback has been positive (we even got a "very positive" review rating) and above all, we've had a pretty good number of sales!

Clearly, for those who are wondering, I haven't become a millionaire, we're far from it ahah But with the money we've raised, we'll be able to go one step further and finally have an office!

For the moment, my illustrators and I have each been working from home, but thanks to the sale, we'll be able to become a little more professional and have our own office and a healthier work environment!
It's the natural step to take if you want to keep making games in the long term, I think.

This will also allow me to temporarily hire a few people to take care of correcting English typos in the game, and I'd also like someone to take care of the Spanish and Portuguese translations!
These are the two languages that are closest to my heart, and of course French.
I think that with these three, it will be perfect!
( I'll keep you posted as soon as it happens, of course! )

As for the next update, we're going to push back the release date by a month.
We're going to take a few weeks off, I feel like me and the team need it. And to be honest, I think this will be our first "real" vacation since... well the beginning.
So 2019.

It'll give me time to think about the next updates, the continuation of the story and, above all, to get back into shape for years of work ahah.
We're also going to take this opportunity to move into the office and start working together!

I'll keep you posted as soon as the release date becomes clearer, but in any case, it'll be next month.
In the meantime, an exclusive illustration is scheduled for next month.

As for future updates, I have a question for you:

Personally, I love the customization of the office in Chapter 1, and I had originally planned to do the same for Chapter 2, plus the customization of our bedroom.

What do you think? Is it something you like too? Should I do it again?

Anyway, all that to say that we're taking some time off and will be back soon for the continuation of chapter 2!

I wish you all the best for your summer vacations,

and see you soon! ~~




Absolutely love the customisation, would love it if you added more trophies like the ones from snow white


Yeah the customisation was really cool felt a little bad when i started chapter 2 and all was gone to be honest. ^^'

Gear Z

I love the customization and would love to have them return. And good for you all! Enjoy the office and vacation we all know you guys deserve it ^^


I enjoy the customization, but it's a "nice to have" for me, and I would rather have completed storylines prior to implementation of the customization.


Enjoy the vacation. Sadly I can't support you guys by buying the game on steam since it's banned in Germany but I'm gonna keep subscribing to the Patreon and hope to make your guys lives a bit easier while we eagerly await new updates


Enjoy that vacation and congrats on the success! The customization was a really cool feature, especially as more things unlocked the further you progressed.


Dude, give me anything to customize and I will love it! I personally love being able to set your game differently, just for the sake of it, being able to use some "trophies" from previous missions is also super cool Totally unrelated, I will say it again because I don't think is impossible... Bring back previous clothes/haircuts! I wanna be able to use chapter 1 clothes in chapter 2! I don't care if I have to buy them again... I'm always looking forward to this game and you never disappoint! Keep the good work!!


Congrats on the Steam release's success! I've been seeing it pretty consistently on several top selling lists, and enjoy the well deserved vacation! As for the customization, whatever you choose to add should be great! The office customization was a great feature in the first game, and I'm definitely looking forward to messing with the bedroom in this chapter! I also agree with others that finding some way to help add that cohesion for customizables between the first and second game would be fantastic.


I just thought of a fun room decoration: For any characters with repeatable sex scenes, an article of their clothing. Like Emee's jacket hanging from a lamp

camaleon 14

You are the best creator and thank you for trying to translate the game into Spanish. Personally, I would love to play it in my language and customizing the office and the room sounds incredible. I will continue to support you from Colombia and I hope that my donations help you even if it is very little, thanks for this amazing game


Customize ALL the things! 😃


What I really miss are all the characters and outfits I spent so long grinding for that have gone missing. :(

Romeo Guigue

good vacation to all of you

Romeo Guigue

and about the room customization it think it's a very good idea ( soory im french im not good in english i hope my messages are understandable)


They are Romeo and Salty congrats on Steam and have a wonderful vacation, and I just download OPT on Steam and it is wonderful. More customization options this and future chapters would be great!


More customization options in general is a good idea. The download on Steam worked great and I've had such a good time playing it so far!

Jefferson Gabler

I would love see Ariel was the next princess,or maybe belle,they like my favs


it would be cool to revist some of the old princesses

david onan

i agree let us be able to return to old girls for fun but there are a lot of girls that would be nice to see like Cinderella or alice an wonderland or any of them


Surprising us ! There still so much princess you can make a story line. You've got my devotion ;)


Would love to see pocahontas or Mulan , keep up the amazing work 😁

Steven W.

Pretty much my two favourites, yeah. Also, they'd be non-white princesses, which would be a nice change.

William Pierson

Since they're in space per se, I'd love to see Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet.