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Well, that's it, here we are!
The game is released on steam today at 18:00 UTC+2

Believe it or not, I'm stressing like crazy ahah

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for the great support you've given me.
I've received tons of super positive messages. You guys are just awesome.

If I could ask you one last thing, for those who will buy the game, please don't hesitate to leave a positive review on Steam, they're pretty rare and really help a lot.
Like, just 10 reviews can highlight the game on steam. So yeah, don't hesitate.

To celebrate the arrival of OPT on steam, I thought it would be cool to do a little FAQ with you. I've never done one in... well since launching in 2019.
So let's do this!

Give me all the questions you want in comments or PM and I'll answer all that in a future post.
Don't hesitate, I'll do my best to answer everything!

And, if you don't have any questions, that's okay, I'll just keep making games as usual ahah


To talk about other things,
Next week we'll be posting the next Patreon-exclusive illustration, on... well, let's just say it's probably the character you've talked to most in-game ahah.

I can't wait to show you!

Finally, the next update is still scheduled for the end of the month. If there's a delay, I'll let you know, of course.


In any case, I wish you all a good game for those who will be replaying Chapter 1 in its definitive version on steam, and see you soon for the FAQ for the others!

Enjoy the game! ~
And put a review on steam!!!




My question: What is your writing process for planning out the story and each individual storyline? The game is so well written.


Nice job! I'm just wondering about cheats; the Steam version allows you to enable cheats, but there are no cheat points (at least as far as I can tell). Will there be an option for Patreon subscribers to get cheat points? Especially since this will be a repeat playthrough for a lot of us, it'd be nice to skip some of the grinding


Yeah im canceling membership because codes do not work on android s22


Game is awesome, can't wait to have it on steam. Been following this for awhile. Only question for the Q/A, when or if will we get to see Emee's cute feet again? ;)~


Question for the Q/A did you expect characters like Emee and Meli to be as popular as they are?


Really liking your Game. Very Nice art work. Keep up the good work.


Love this game cuz it's fun. Even without the porn lol. Ill make a different steam account just to play it :p cant be ruining my 1080+ hours of destiny my friends know hahaha. Keep up the great work and cant wait for the next update on chapter 2!


I have a simple question, is the version on the steam the same as on the Patreon? Because I am confused between buying the game from Steam or subscribing to play it on Patreon


The Steam version is mostly the same, but with some altered character names and designs to avoid copyright. Some new art too in some places (trying to avoid spoilers).


I bought that game on steam and I’m looking forward to the full chapter 2 version as well and no need to stress from the perspective of a few days after it seems to have decent traction


will each chapter be its own individual game?