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Hello everyone!

The Update 0.5 is here!
I think that many of you are waiting for it with great impatience, the exlusive quest patreon of Jasmine is finally here!

This update is exclusive to patreon, so you will need the new patreon code to activate it.
And, as usual, To start this update in game, go to sleep.

MEGA LINK (PC/Linux/MAC/Android) : https://mega.nz/folder/uBtG2ZbD#YMg1Wm6fILDaxw3MA6-d2A
( Edit: New version put online. Reload the game to correct the bug of the creation of Jasmine )
( Edit 01/05: Android version Available now! )

( The
Patreon Code of the 0.5 is in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/82202991 )

As usual, if you see any bugs, let me know in the comments, so I can fix it before the android version is released.

I'll see you soon for a next newsletter,

Have fun !~~




I'm getting a weird bug with the drone rewards https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/941142168196743178/1102491244623560774/Screenshot_738.png Here's a screenshot. Wasn't sure where to report this, figured someone might see it here.


Just a thought but wouldn’t it be more Lore accurate if Jasmine had a bush? Just saying from experience of Arabian women, they get hairy. Love your work

Lazychuck Productions

Love the update. Eapecially Jasmine. However, do you think we will have an incident in future updates where we come across original Jasmine and if we do. Threesome?


anybody know which one the thermic ethomerticator size 3 is>

Michael Whitehead

The "submisive" route seemed more non-con/reluctant than submissive. Having played both routes, I preferred the 'regular' route over the sub route despite normally liking the sub route on other games.

Ty Bowen

Lol "I am Prince."

lego gear

my phone think there is malware in it the android one

Gear Z

I love the new content and inventory system now! Makes stuff a little easier to keep track of like what the characters want to finish the quest. I can't wait to see what new outfits and hairstyle the new characters will be getting along with seeing if only corrupt princesses will be making a return

Kevin Lorentzen

I'm not sure "innocent" princesses would use words like fuck or ass right away, but hey, its just a game. :)


I think I'm stuck at "I need the oriental dance book" part, I'm not sure if its a bug or not but I cant get the book :(


I don't know what I'm doing wrong... between updates I take a break from playing and when I come back to the app for the update all of my saves are gone. This will be the 3rd time I've had to start from the beginning


Don't sweat it, dude, that happens to me too at times. I get briefly upset then I calm down telling myself it's just a game and nothing to stroke out about then I start the game over. Great game BTW!


Howcome when i click the link it only shows a DA.apk a Mac and a pc zip, but I can't get the android version? Can anyone help me with that please

dr. wolt

Next update when?