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Hello everyone!

The Update 0.4 is here!
In the update you will find the continuation of the main quest and many other things that I let you discover!

To start this update, go to sleep and spend the night.

MEGA LINK (PC/Linux/MAC/Android) : https://mega.nz/folder/2Y0lXSDI#IhH-Ju9i4GB52ct3wURVpw
( Edit : Android version available now! )
( Edit : version available (Bugfix) )
( Edit : version available (Bugfix) )

( The
Patreon Code is in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-code-0-3-77677276 )

As you can see, the updates are now exclusive to patreon for a longer time.
( 3 weeks for this one. )
I will explain in a future newsletter the changes concerning the extension of these exclusivities.

I'll see you soon for a next newsletter, I think I'll do a big FAQ, I haven't done one yet and I think it would be a good idea!

As usual, if you see any bugs, let me know in the comments, so I can fix it before the android version is released.

Have fun !~~




anyone else having problems getting the game to launch ? i got into the assets folder and press the 0.4.1 game icon, and nothing happens.


Ch 2. Bug, Meli's first convo not found after Toolbox sce e

Gary Velthouse

Having issues too. Says I downloaded update but I'm not sure if it's working