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Hello everyone!

Today I wanted to do a little poll with you.
I've been wondering for some time what really attracts you to this game.

I think it's important for me to know, even though I like to keep my creativity and do things that may surprise you, I still want to know your preferences.

In general I think I will ask you more and more for your opinion.
Sometimes in polls for patrons only.
Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in comments, I'm here to read you.

So, if you will, answer this question:

What attracts you most to OPT games?
( You are welcome to make multiple choices if you wish. )

Thanks a lot for all your comments, I will answer your questions in the next newsletter, it will be better for everyone I think ^^

Until it's published, don't hesitate to put in comments your questions or your expectations!)


david onan

to bad since they updated there renpy i cant even get it to load


Great game, personally my only complaints are relatively small. I'd like if the MC had more of a spine and I'd like a bit more corruption content for the fairy tale character as opposed to more OC content. (Again these are just my personal takes)

Killan Rasvally

Love the story, the actual feeling and writing of the characters themselves, and the gameplay itself. From Chapter 1 I noticed a lot of elements were just scrapped, like from the start you had to give snowwhite gifts, but after that the gifts no longer did anything and remained a relic of what some of the gameplay could have been. Same goes with the furniture shop, had use, quickly stopped. Unique quest decorations also were a lost idea, you just got decorations that could be placed in 5 locations, and you just got the full set as a random bonus for doing something else. Along that same line the drone expeditions were nerfed, before you had the rare chance to find some kind of new blueprint or something. I believe these things should come back as it added more variety into the gameplay loop that I found very fun


All the points, i also love that you use a specific fetish to make the corruption of every fairy tale character