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Hello everyone!

Today is a big day!
( And probably one of the most stressful days in the world for me ahah )



( You must be logged in to a steam account to see the game. ( it's a porn game ) Or look for it in your desktop application on your PC, that works too )

And before I continue, I have something very important to ask you.
I need everyone to go to the store page and

Add the game to your Wishlist !!

This is extremely important.
Tremendously important.

Each person who puts the game on his or her wishlist will participate in raising the game in the famous "upcoming games" panel

And I can promise you that even one addition to a wishlist can make a huge difference.

The kind of difference that could, like, skyrocket the game, and get me to hire more people.

So anyway, I'll say it one more time,


And now let's move on to the more "Newsletter" part of this post
We are going to talk about two major topics, the new versions of the characters, and the changes in the steam game.

As you may have seen in the main picture of this post,

(By the way, I hope you like the game poster :3 It took a lot of time to make, but it's really worth it ! )

the new versions of the characters are here!

( And I'll say it again, the versions of these characters are meant to sell the game. The versions of the current characters will always be available on my Patreon no matter what. )

Well, now let's talk about these characters starting with Snow White and Tinker

As you can see, the goal was mainly to use the original Snow White and Peter Pan tales, which are both copyright free.

I really like the result of these two characters, since they are the first ones that appear in the game, I had to be really sure of myself, and after 10 versions and multiple tests, here is the result!

The characters fit even better in their respective roles ~

( I really like them :3 )

Concerning the others,
( which you can see on the poster of the game )

Rapunzel didn't have many major changes, just her dress and her hair on top of her head. She was already quite different, so it's ok.

About Anna and Elsa, they have been completely modified and renamed to Astrid and Lagertha, and their characters are now a princess and a viking jarl.
Their characters being too unique, after a while we opted for this option, and in the end, I think the result is really cool!

( So the whole atmosphere, scenery and clothing of these characters went into viking mode ~~ )

There are other small changes in the characters that I will let you discover, but overall, that's it.

Emee, Melissandre, Sphinx and all the others, remain the same.


Finally, in the Steam game, we are in the process of adding some modifications.

In this version of the game you will find new scenes, new versions of the fairy tale characters, and most importantly, all the Patreon Quests, renamed as "Secondary Quests". 

So the whole game will be completely open to you. Forever.


I thought it would be good to add something extra for this version, so we are working on that. Even if I would like to improve more things, I prefer to save the big changes for chapter 2 which will arrive in a short time.

It will be easier to implement new things with a new chapter than to tweak this one endlessly.

But I'll tell you about all the things I'm going to add and implement in chapter 2 in a future newsletter.
This one is already way too long ahah


Anyway, thank you all for your trust, it's thanks to you all that this game exists, and that all the future games I will make will exist !

( add the game to your wishlist plz )

See you soon for the final update of this game and the beginning of chapter 2!

Take care of yourself! ~~




sorry cant wishlist it in germany :(


Done and done. 😁


Hey boss man, I wishlisted on this great game and have a request for you, as you may (or may not) know I am a writer, I have a character or several that I think would be awesome for this game. Would you be interested in using them in the Patreon and steam version?


is this update our for patreons?


I sadly can't wishlist the game on steam since its not available in my country. Will these new designs be in the next update for the game because I think they are really cool. Thank you for your great work

Jefferson Gabler

Wonderful art,sure people will die for buy it


Hi, thank you for your reply and sorry for my late answer. I do have a VPN but I dunno. When I start steam with the VPN active it still doesn't let me find Once a porn a time. I might need to look into it but I appreciate your comment.

Tristan Watts

Would Patrons still be able to use exclusive codes within it or will it be dlc that needs bought?


The only thing I would suggest is maybe spreading out the characters over a couple more zones. The magic forest being all one zone makes sense, but it means it's used a lot for many different characters. It'd be nice to see a few new points of interest open up as you unlock characters/scenes. Maybe also switch the name colors for us and Emee


I think that the new desing are better than the older ones


Bit late to the party, but I wishlisted it! Really excited for the upcoming release of the end of chapter 1, keep up the great work!


I play on android. Will this stay a mobile game?